Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Bookish Pet Peeves

peeve   a source of annoyance or irritation

I have a lot of bookish peeves.

1. People who never read books.
2. People who must read books in order.
3. People who must finish every book they start.
4. People who sigh and say,
"I wish I could read as many books as you.
I just don't have time."
5. Books that have a great cover and go downhill from there.
6. Books that are made from movies.
7. Predictable plots in books.
8. Books with the Problem of the Month.
9. YA books that are sooo serious.
(Is life really that horrible at fourteen?)
10. And finally (and please forgive me if I step on toes) Vampire Books.

What are your bookish peeves?

Reblogged from March 11, 2011.

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. Each Tuesday That Artsy Reader Girl assigns a topic and then post her top ten list that fits that topic. You’re more than welcome to join her and create your own top ten (or 2, 5, 20, etc.) list as well. Feel free to put a unique spin on the topic to make it work for you! Please link back to That Artsy Reader Girl in your own post so that others know where to find more information.  


  1. I agree with some of your bookish peeves. I don't enjoy real life crime or sci-fi or horror books. And I usually stay away from dystopia, except for those of a few writers like Ishiguro. Have a great week!

    1. Yes, no real life crime or horror for me either. And, very little romance.

  2. Well, to be fair some series you really do need to read in order or else you know, spoilers. I do agree with a lot of your other peeves. Going to pretend I didn't see number 10 though! ;)

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. LOL - some of these made me smile. I remember one time when I told someone I loved to read and, their response was "I only read magazines, In Style is my favorite!" Okay, I thought to myself, I don't think we have much in common. LOL

  4. Phew glad to know that one of your peeves is not people who do read books out of order! Lol. That is totally me. I also never feel compelled to finish a book either. :)

    1. Never. And I did not require my students to do so either.

  5. I too have a bad habit of ending up reading series out of order depending on when I discover them.

    1. I think it's okay. Some of my favorites have purposely been published in an odd order.

  6. It ate my comment. I liked #3 and #4--everyone assumes as a librarian all I do at work is read. No, I have actual WORK to do at work. LOL

  7. I share some of you peeves, but I laughed at Lisa's comment above. Yes, when I told people I worked in a library they would say - so, all you do is read? And we who have and do work in libraries know how 'funny' that is! I will say that I do prefer to read books in order. However, I firmly believe that you do not have to finish every book you start - at all. A book for every reader - a reader for every book. If the reader isn't enjoying it, move on to the next one!

    1. Wouldn't that be delightful though, Kay, if it were only so?

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks, Lark. I'm still think about how you don't care for smirking in novels.

  9. Vampire books... o.O


    I love vampire books but I read a lot of paranormal romance so I get vampires. But I know those kinds of books aren't for everyone.

  10. So no extra ones as you are 10 years older? It sounds like a funny question, but actually, I'm wondering if these evolve with our age

    1. No, and I would say that is odd, but true. In fact, though, I don't think my peeves are as pronounced as they once were. People who didn't read used to irritate me to death, but now, not so much.

  11. I agree with all of your pet peeves with the exception of #2. :)

    1. Oddly, I did not take my math classes in school in order either.

  12. I agree with #4! We all have the same 24 hours in a day, how much one person reads depends on what they do with those 24 hours. I have read more this year than I think I ever have, but that's because I am making an effort to not mindlessly scroll through social media.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  13. Hi there Debbie! Books that are made from movies. Heck yes! That irritates the living daylights out of me as well! I have a couple of those StarWars books and Hannah Montanna books at school and actually just want to throw them in the dustbin.

    Just to let you know - I live again!! The new site is not perfect by a long shot, but I am getting there. Rather tired of playing now and will be spending the rest of the day reading my book...

    Here's a link if you want to come say hi! Elza Reads

    1. So happy to here that you have successfully migrated to your new site!

  14. I agree with all of these, but make an exception with #10. Loved Dracula and enjoy Barbara Hambly's James Asher books. :)

  15. That photo you shared. What is even in that book??? Do I even want to know?


    Folded down corners. Get a bookmark already.
    Food stains on library copies. Ick.
    When you loan a book to a friend in pristine condition and it comes back waterlogged.
    People who have not read one book. Seriously. They exist.
    People who say reading is boring.
    People who will not read a book over 250 pages.

    As you can see, most of my peeves have to do with people.

    1. That photo is me in my manifestation known as Doctor Buks. You do not want to know what is on that book.

  16. I share a lot of your pet peeves. Here's one of mine: love triangles in YA lit. For example, The Hunger Games (which I read before it took off in popularity) - dystopian (a genre I enjoy), full of suffering and...a love triangle? There's always a love triangle, it seems, in the type of YA books I read. Why???? Here's another, and this one may not be popular. The rule that "you must read the book page by page by page, never skipping around, because the author intended you read each word in each page in that exact order." Well, yes, but. This may sound strange, but sometimes, if I start a book and it doesn't grab me in the first chapter or so, I will start skipping around in the book. More than once,I've found something that kindles my interest in giving the book a chance and I go back, slog through what may be a really dry start. I'll know there are better times ahead once I get to the part where it all catches fire. If some skipping doesn't work, it's a DNR. Not sure I'm the only reader who does that skipping thing, but I've done that since I was a little (child) bookworm and it works for me.

  17. I am loving these lists! Everything from dog earring pages, books that are too stiff to hold, not being able to tell which dual timeline I'm reading, and more. Oh, and I am more than willing to give up on a book if it isn't working for me.

  18. i so agree about YA books. so bloody depressing!! who needs that when life is confusing enough at that age?

  19. Great list. I would add shifter books to that vampire tag. My big pet peeve right now is people telling me that listening to audiobooks isn't reading.

  20. I used to be #2 but I'm recovering :) I used to love vampire books until all of a sudden they seemed to be everywhere. Wasn't there even one of Jane Austen fighting vampires? Or was that zombies? Anyway, I do love a few vampire books which I consider classics but most of the newer vampire books I'll tend to give a pass to. What a fun list!

  21. I agree with most of those -- but I do like to read books in order when they are the same characters -- they evolve in time!

  22. I thought I recognized the good Doctor!


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