Saturday, January 1, 2022

The First Book of 2022 + One Word for 2022


So what is First Book?  First Book is the first book you plan on reading in the New Year.  It can be a long-coveted read you have not had time for, a guilty pleasure read like a re-read of a favorite…  really it can be anything – it is, after all, YOUR First Book.

Make it AWESOME.

This year, I will read as my First Book of the Year...

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Take a look at other First Books here and below:

My #OneWord for 2022? For the last three New Year's Days, I've stuck with the same word, Play. It reminded me to be in the moment, to be spontaneous, to enjoy my life, to draw upon the spirit of love and joy that abides within us at all times. Play.

But this year, I'm choosing a new One Word. Love. It will encourage me to engage Love as my default reaction to all situations. Love. My One Word.

Want to pick your own One Word? Take a look here.

Want to join a One Word Community? Take a look here.

Do you have a First Book for 2021? Have you chosen One Word? I hope you will share. 


  1. Love is a fabulous one word. I tend to pick words then totally forget about them so I'm skipping it this year. I did pick a first book though: The Sweetness of Water

  2. Enjoy your selection, I was motivated to binge the movies after you mentioning the readathon.

  3. Narnia and Love are awesome choices. My first book is: Swimming Back to Trout River .... Cheers. And the hope of a new year feels good.

  4. Happy New Year! Love, a perfect word to embrace. We would all need to show more love and grace to others!
    Enjoy your first book, such a great one.

  5. Are you reading The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe for the Narniathon21 hosted by Calmgrove? I just discovered her “challenge”, and am beginning Prince Caspian for January. Such lovely books…

    My One Word was discovered through a quiz on DaySpring, in which it was revealed to be Beloved. How important it is to remember, in times of self doubt, that we are loved and accepted by Him.

    Happy New Year!

  6. I seem to remember reading that to my Kids. Happy New Year

  7. My first book is This Beautiful Truth by Sarah Clarkson, and my word is attitude, as in i need to watch mine.

  8. Love is a word we need these days, so a very good choice. Your first book of the year is also a very good choice. Wonderful book and we need a little bit of magic now.

  9. Great book to start the year. And good word as well. Mine is two - Small Wins.

  10. I've never read Chronicles of Narnia. I'm not sure why, but it just never sounded like something I would like. My One Word last year was Joy and this year is Pray. Happy reading in 2022!

  11. I think I've only read the first in the Narnia series. I'll be interested to hear what you think of the entire collection.

    My first book of 2022 is Taste by Stanley Tucci. I'm loving it, so far! The first recipe I marked it for a Negroni, which sounds delicious.

  12. I missed this post. We definitely need Love. All the time.


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