Saturday, July 29, 2023

The Sunday Salon: Away for the Third Weekend in a Row!


It's the first birthday of the happiest baby in the world, our g-granddaughter, Lucy. We are celebrating with Lucy and her parents this weekend at a swimming party.

Sadly, Paris in July is coming to an end. Instead of coming home, however, I plan to spend August in Italy, bookwise, in preparation for an actual trip to Italy in September. 

I've had a wonderful time in Paris in July, so thank you, Emma, of Words and Peace, and thank you, all of those who posted during the month. If you'd like to see the plethora of posts this year, take a look here.

Last year I listed my favorite Paris in July posts from 2012 to 2022. It's here, if you'd like to take a look.

Here are all of my Paris in July posts from 2023:

Good Thing #1
Thank you, Jeanie of The Marmelade Gypsy,
for sharing all these wonderful stamps with me!

Good Thing #2
My amazing new butterfly bag.
Can you believe my Aunt Karen made this whole thing?

Good Thing #3
We had so much fun this week,
crafting at the house of my friend, Cindy.
Cindy helped us learn to use a modern version of the die-cut machine
and she prepared a feast for our lunch of salmon, baked potatoes, and asparagus.

I'm happy you joined us here at the Sunday Salon. Sunday Salon is a place to link up and to share what we have been doing during the week. It's a great way to visit other blogs and join in the conversations going on there. 

Some of the things we often talk about at the Sunday Salon:

  • What was your week like?
  • Read any good books? Tell us about them.
  • What other bookish things did you do? 
  • What else is going on in your life?

Other places where you may like to link up over the weekend are below. Click on the picture to visit the site.


My linkup for Sunday Salon is below. 

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