Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Backyard Birds


  1. The firt and laast look like the blue tits we get on our feeder but the middle one (cardenal?) is not one we would see here. I must pos a few of mine taken in the snow.

    1. The first and last we call a House Sparrow. Interesting that you don't have Northern Cardinals in your part of the world. I'd like to see your photos of birds.

  2. Aren't the first and third chickadees?
    We don't have cardinals on the west coast US but they are an established immigrant in Hawaii, much to my surprise.

    1. Oh my! I think you are right. I think these may be Carolina Chickadees.

  3. I do believe #1 and #3 are chickadees. That's what my bird book says anyway. LOL I have some yellow birds I need to identify but the bird book has a bunch and they all look so similar I haven't nailed them down yet. I need them to hold still long enough to catch the subtle differences around the eyes and wings. LOL

    1. Yes, now that I look more carefully, I think I was wrong.

      Funny, I’m a Master Naturalist, but I don’t know much about birds.

  4. We keep bird feeders too. I love watching them, winter and summer.

  5. Love those! We have a couple birdfeeders outside our dining room windows and love watching the birds and squirrels when we eat meals.

  6. Love the birdie shots! They are always so much fun to watch!

    Thanks for sharing!

    - Lisa

  7. Lovely photos! Birds are always so interesting to watch. ☺

  8. Beautiful pictures, especially the cardinal with her bright red beak. Your pictures remind me that I need to be better about putting out food for the birds in our neighborhood.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.
    Sandy @ Writing With a Texas Twang

  9. Oooh! I love your bird house! It's been while since we last build a bird house.

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  10. Oh, these are so gorgeous!

    A big warm welcome to our #WordlessWednesday linky party, Deb. :))

    I love birds and wildlife and off late I have been spending a lot of time bird watching, as spring is upon us in our part of the world.
    The sparrow there looks a bit different from ours. I shall post a picture in this week's linky party. Thanks for the reminder through this post. :)
    And the cardinal is such a treat to the eyes.

    Thank you for linking up and have a wondrous new week. Hope to see another fascinating post from you this #WordlessWednesday.


  11. These are so beautiful! Thank you Deb for bringing us these beauties...I find them fascinating to watch. Thank you for linking up with us for #ww and hope to see you here again soon.

  12. How lovely! And even tho' the word is overused, how sweet.


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