Saturday, December 28, 2019

The First Books of 2020

I read 415 books this year. 

That's it for 2019.

(I'm still reading...but I'm not finishing anything else until January 1st....)

Here are the books I am currently reading.

Sheila at Book Journey announced that she will be doing her annual First Book of the Year posting. Hurry, if you want to join in First Book of the Year and take a look here.

Can I read one book all year long? I think I'll try Nick's 2020 War and Peace Chapter-a-Day Read-along. Do I dare?

I'm signing up for Book'd Out's 2020 Nonfiction Reader Challenge. Of course, I shall try for the Nonfiction Know-It-All level; I'm just that sort of person.

I will begin 2020 with mood-boosting books. To help my project, I started a list of The Best Mood-Boosting Books on Goodreads. If you have suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

It's time to download and follow the latest calendar for Action for Happiness. There is also an app available to remind you to be happy throughout the day.

The Classics Club spin was spun. And the result? It's #13, and I shall be reading A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush. I've found this book on audio, and I've already begun reading.

I read all but 5 of the Cybils picture books and board books. Our panel of judges has come to a consensus about the best picture books and board books of 2019....The announcement will be made on January 1, 2020. Stay tuned.

Here are the Best Books of the Decade lists I’ve found so far: 

I will be posting my own Best Reads of 2019, Best Books of the Decade, and 2019 Cybils Picture Book and Board Book Finalists this week.

Back in 1964, when I was seven years old, a series of interviews with fourteen seven-year-olds in Great Britain, from a variety of backgrounds, was released called Seven Up. The fourteen were found and interviewed again every seven years, resulting in 7 Plus Seven, 21 Up, 28 Up, 35 Up, 42 Up, 49 Up, and 56 Up. When I saw that the final film in the series, 63 Up, was going to appear in theaters in the US (in March of 2020 it will arrive in Houston), I borrowed the Up Series from the public library. We've been watching the series now and then over the last two weeks, and we've made it through 42 Up. We hope to watch 49 Up and 56 Up this week.

Here's a fascinating take on the Up series from the New Yorker: What '56 Up' Reveals.

Do you know this series? Have you seen any of it?

We had a fabulous Christmas. It was wonderful to watch our grandchildren, Wyatt, 9 months, and Annie, 4, open presents and delight in the wonder that is Christmas.

I must have been very, very good this year as Santa brought me twelve books and this beautiful book quilt. 

Did you get any books for Christmas?

I'd love to hear about your week.

I'm very happy you found your way to the Sunday Salon. I am delighted when you link up here and let us know what you have been doing. I hope you will visit other blogs and join in the conversations going on there. 

Some of the things we often talk about here:

  • What was your week like?
  • Read any good books? Tell us about them.
  • What other bookish things did you do? 
  • What else is going on in your life?

Other places where you may like to link up are below. Click on the picture to visit the site.

My linkup for Sunday Salon is below.


  1. 415 books, thats over one a day, makes the 36 I have listed on Good reads look silly. How do you get time to do anything else. I'm impressed

    1. I love books. It feels to me like I'm listening to all the wisest storytellers and thinkers of all time speak. I try to read as much as I can.

      And don't you dare think that your reading is silly!

    2. "The main effort of arranging your life should be to progressively reduce the amount of time required to decently maintain yourself so that you can have all the time you want for reading." --Norman Rush

  2. I am amazed that yo uread 415 books - how do you do it seriously? You should write a blog post about it.

    1. I gave up random tv in 2003. It's astonishing how much time I freed up.

  3. Aw, little Wyatt is so cute!

    How do you keep track of so many books at one time? How do you decide which one to pick up?

    I got one book for Christmas - GOING CLEAR by Lawrence Wright.

    Happy New Year!

    1. That's our Texas Lawrence Wright? I found Looming Tower and God Save Texas to be great books.

      I don't know how I keep track of so many books. I guess it's like watching several different series on tv.

  4. I love that book quilt! Love it. And your little Wyatt is a charmer indeed. Glad you had a nice Christmas with family. I didn't get any books (I never do), but I did get two gift cards that could be used for books. And that rarely happens. Maybe I've said my usual 'I'm the easiest person in the world to buy for - get me a gift card to use for books' enough times. Ha! Not sure what my reading will look like in 2020, but I know I'll enjoy it.

  5. I love the 7 Up series and am eagerly looking forward to the latest (last?) installment. I got a number of good books for Christmas (posting about them tomorrow). And, I think I'll do Jill's First Book post as well.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I can't wait to see 63 Up. I was worried it wasn't going to make it to Houston, but it looks like it will come here in March.

      I'll look for these posts, Helen.

  6. Wyatt is such a darling!! And that book quilt is gorgeous. What a treasure. No, I didn't receive any books this year, but I gave a few to my husband and mom, so I'll get to borrow those when they have finished. :)

  7. You are so inspiring at so many levels, thank you! I love that quilt. We actually bought it with my book club to offer to a couple that moved away.
    Just went to the library and borrowed 5 children books (by Katherine Applegate and Anthony Horowitz), even though I need to finish 2 books before the end of the year...
    Looks like I'm definitely getting old, as I enjoy more and more children books. Those I never had the chance to read when I should have

    1. I think the exact opposite is true, Emma. The wisest books are children's books, I think. And remember what Madeleine L'Engle wrote? “You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children.”

  8. 415 books is amazing! Happy New Year to you and your family!

  9. 415 books? That's amazing! I barely managed to read 60 books this year due to university.

    Hope you have a wonderful start to the New Year :)

    1. That was probably the time of my life when I read the fewest books.

  10. Merry Christmas! It looks like it was wonderful! I like to dress my Wyatt in buffalo plaid too. What a cutie yours is!

    I feel like I have heard of that series! I have never watched it but I think I remember reading about it somewhere.

    I did get two books and then a $100 gift card to Barnes and Noble, so I am excited to use it and get reading!

  11. You go ahead and dare with War and Peace. Go on with your bad self. ;) I haven't seen any of the "Up" series but I have heard of it and it sounds fascinating. Glad you had such a fabulous Christmas and 12 books for Christmas, one for each day of Christmas. Here? We had a good Christmas and I only got one book for myself for Christmas: for my first book of the year, which I'll be announcing Jan. 1.

    1. I tried War and Peace one summer a few years ago, and gave up after a few hundred pages. Maybe I'll do better with a chapter a day.

      Can't wait to see what you are going to read.

  12. I loved checking out the spread of books at the beginning of the post...and delighted in seeing a familiar name that I haven't seen in a while: Judith Viorst. I loved her Alexander books...and others.

    Enjoy your week. I signed up for First Book...and the Nonfiction Book Challenge.

    1. I think Viorst has done a thin book of poems for each decade of her life. I was happy to find the book about the sixties.

  13. I manage about a 100 books a year. The Up series sounds fascinating, I am going to look for it.

  14. Wyatt is adorable!! I am downloading Action for Happiness Calendar and sharing it with my family too :)


    1. We all need to do more for happiness in 2020, I think.

      Happy New Year to you, Lori!

  15. I’m delighted you are joining the Nonfiction Challenge, and looking forward to seeing what you choose to read.
    That book quilt is gorgeous and the perfect gift for you! Sadly no books for me:(
    I have seen the first three of the 7up series but I would like to watch the rest...since it’s school holidays I’m busy marathoning movies with my kids, so far we’ve watched the Harry Potter series, and we’ve started The Hunger Games series.

    Wishing you a great reading week and a a happy New Year!

    1. I remember the days of having my movie schedule dictated by my kids. But HP and HG are both good series.

  16. Wow, Deb 415 books! That's a HUGE number. I love the book quilt that Father Christmas bought you, the perfect gift.
    I hope you enjoy the rest of your week.
    Here's my Sunday Post
    Flora x

    1. That is my best reading year, number-wise, anyway, ever.

  17. Wow, that's a lot of books! I wish I were able to read that many books in two years :)
    This year I often missed having some reading time, and that always makes me feel sad.

    The War and Peace read-along sounds fun!

    Have a wonderful 2020!

  18. I enjoyed A Tale for the Time Being. Happy reading in 2020 and have a wonderful New Year!

  19. 2019 was fantastic reading year for you. I love the idea of a chapter a day; I say go for it! Happy New Year Deb!!

  20. What a FANTASTIC year for you....415 books is amazing. CONGRATS!!

    GORGEOUS quilt.

    Wyatt is ADORABLE!!

    Happy New Year!! Happy 2020 Reading!!

  21. Wow! That's an amazing number of books. Looks like you have another exciting reading year to look forward to with your challenges. Hope you've been enjoying the holiday season!

  22. I love your book quilt! That is truly a family heirloom type of gift. I actually didn't get books for Christmas but I got some cash from one of my adult kids that I am putting towards new books for January. Enjoy your New Year's!

    1. I was so surprised to get this book quilt for Christmas. Completely unexpected.

  23. Wow, you read a lot of books. I love that quilt! I need something like that in my life. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  24. That is an insane amount of books! I'm in awe. Such a cute grandbaby :)

  25. I've read 343 books this year. I might finish one more in the days remaining. Your new quilt is lovely.

    1. You have been busy painting and your totals are down, Sarah. Lol.

  26. Oh I have loved the ... Up series since it first came into my consciousness (I am 47 so ...) and I have the first book, too. 63 Up was very moving. We were worried about starting it but it was also lovely to watch. And well done on all your reading. I DID open books for Christmas but am probably saving them for 1 January, although not sure. I am reading two books at the moment I might finish by the end of tomorrow!

  27. I love that book quilt! Looks like you had a great Christmas. Come see my week here. Happy reading and happy new year!

  28. I love that book quilt! That is the best. I need to check into the Action for Happiness. We can all use more happiness in our lives, right?

  29. Glad you had a wonderful Christmas, Deb - oh my word - WHAT an impressive number of books! That book quilt is absolutely fabulous - even Himself now wants one:)). And your grandson is adorable... As for the Mood Boosting Books - I have 2 suggestions:- To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis and The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett, which is the first of the first of the Tiffany Aching series. A very Happy New Year:))

    1. I will add these to my list. I've read To Say Nothing of the Dog, but it was long, long ago. Wee Free Men is one of the 1001 books, I think.

  30. 415 books is awesome! Hope you have a great start to the New Year! :)

  31. Oh I adore the book quilt of course. I remember that 7 Up series but may have only seen the first one. It would be fascinating to follow them through - I must look it up.

  32. It's coming to Austin in January. I thought about going to see it there.

  33. Wow. 415 books. That's a lot of reading. Good luck with your challenges. Check out what I've been reading at Girl Who Reads.


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