Saturday, December 14, 2019

I Read Mood-Boosting Books and I Go Hog Wild!

This was a week of finishing up books I've been reading (and listening to) for a long time. I started Poldark: Demelza and Gerald Durrell's Birds, Beasts and Relatives before Nonfiction November, and I set them both aside while I tried to read as many of the nonfiction I requested from the library during the month. I've finally finished both of them this week; both were wonderful reads. I have book three of the Poldark and the Corfu series, but I think I'm going to wait to read these until a little later in 2020. I want to start the year out with mood-boosting reads. 

I also finished four audiobooks. I had The Flatshare in my car since October, so it took me forever to get to the last CD. A lovely little just-for-fun meet-cute. I listened to three more audiobooks at home (audiobooks are a great accompaniment for baking): Liturgy of the Ordinary; Inspired; and Church of the Small Things. All three are contemporary looks at spiritual issues, and, though I have no idea why I ended up listening to these three at the same time, I am glad I did. If these three authors aren't friends, they need to be. 

If you are a fan of children's literature, and if you were once a kid yourself, you must pick up and read Bookworm. It's a memoir told in books of a person who is probably very much like you and me. 

To read the complete review, click the links below.

Poldark: Demelza (Book 2) by Winston Graham
The Flatshare by Beth O'Leary

I'm now at 415 books for the year. I've decided to do something I've never done before. I'm going to kick off 2020 with mood-boosting books. And what better mood-boosting books to start with than some holiday books. Some lovely book-ish friends have recommended some grownup Christmas reads to me and, happily, I was able to get my hands on Lee Smith's The Christmas LettersJean Shepherd's A Christmas Story, and Christmas Jars by Jason Wright.

I've been very interested in mood-boosting books for a while now. I made a list of my top ten mood-boosting books last week and I started a list of The Best Mood-Boosting Books on Goodreads. One of our blogging friends, Wendy, has added a number of mood-boosting books to the list at Goodreads, and I'd love it if you would add your favorites there, too.

Sheila at Book Journey announced that she will be doing her annual First Book of the Year posting. It's always so much fun to see the happiness on the faces of everyone and to note the first book each of our book friends is reading for the year. To find out more about First Book of the Year, take a look here.

I've read 208 out of 222 Cybils picture books and board books. I have 14 books to go. Still busily reading and reviewing and talking picture books....

Here are the Best Books of 2019 lists I’ve found so far. 

Best Books of 2019 So Far (The Guardian)
Best Books of 2019 (Chicago Tribune)
Best Books 2019 (Library Journal)
The Best Books of 2019 (Real Simple)
The 10 Best Books of 2019 (The Washington Post)
The 10 Best Books of 2019 (The New York Times Book Review)
Best Books of 2019 (LA Times)
CPL Best of the Best 2019 (Chicago Public Library)

I'm honestly not a reader who is always in search of the brightest and shiniest new coin. Before you get carried away with best books of this year, I urge you to take a look at author Austin Kleon's Read Old Books. Balance. 

Hog Wild! Celebration

This week I also:

*Helped my daughter-in-law sell salsa and pickles at a farmer’s market
*Went to my first Hog Wild! party, in which we feasted on feral pigs, for our Texas Master Naturalist group
*Saw A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood at the theater
*Finished all my Christmas shopping

I'd love to hear about your week.

I'm very happy you found your way to the Sunday Salon. I am delighted when you link up here and let us know what you have been doing. I hope you will visit other blogs and join in the conversations going on there. 

Some of the things we often talk about here:

  • What was your week like?
  • Read any good books? Tell us about them.
  • What other bookish things did you do? 
  • What else is going on in your life?

Other places where you may like to link up are below. Click on the picture to visit the site.

My linkup for Sunday Salon is below.


  1. Wow, do you sleep? It looks like you were a reading machine and still managed to fit in some other fun activities.

    The Christmas books you have planned look good. I think I read The Christmas Jars several years ago and found it a little too saccharine.

    I spent most of the week visiting my mom so I'm way behind on everything but I'm okay with that.

    1. Most of the time Christmas books feel a little too sweet. I'm in the mood for a bit of sweetness right now, though.

  2. My goodness you've had a busy week! I could do with some mood-boosting reads, for some reason this past 6 months has felt blah on many levels and I notice that this year I haven't read books that have bowled me over as I have in past years. I must remedy that for 2020!

    1. I have felt the same way this year. I certainly don't want to read blah books. I'm listening to A Breath of French Air now (it was on one of the lists of recommended mood-boosting books) and it's just the right amount of silly and snark.

      For a quick mood-boost, I recommend the new Mister Rogers movie with Tom Hanks.

  3. I have a lovely book of Noel Streatfeild's Christmas stories that a dear friend sent me set aside to read on Christmas afternoon. I also have a couple of light novels set at this time of year which I'm enjoying. I love your idea of reading mood-enhancing books. I'm going to be doing a year of Paul Magrs, who I find very enjoyable, and they're a bit of an easier read than the Iris Murdochs I've been working through for the past 26 months. I'm doing First Book too and I wish you a happy Christmas and New Year of good reading.

    1. The Noel Streatfeild stories sound perfect for Christmas. I think I need to look for Paul Magrs; he is new-to-me. Thanks for your recommendations.

    2. Oh do see if you can pick one up and join me in my Year! That would be lovely!

  4. I could spend a month just reading best-of lists. I'm not sure what the means. I keep meaning to pick up some Rachel Held Evans; people I respect all seem to love her work so much. Enjoy the next week!

    1. I think I could, too. By the time I tried to read all the best-of books, it would be the end of another year. You should look for Rachel Held Evans. She is thoughtful.

  5. 415 books?! Holy moly that is quite a number. Do you sleep at all? *smile* Thank you for sharing the lovely pictures with us. It sounds like you´ve had some fun. Have a great new week and happy reading *smile*

    1. This has been a crazy reading year for me. No, I would rather not sleep if I can read. *smile*

  6. It sounds like you had a wonderful week. I love your idea of reading good mood books. I’m going to finish my 2019 review books this week and then squeeze in a Christmas themed book or two before the big day.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  7. What a busy, but fun, time of year! I've got The Flatshare on my kindle and am hoping it will be a light diversion for the end of the year. So happy to see Sheila is doing "First Book" again :)

    1. The Flatshare was much better than the typical light read, I thought. I'm super excited about First Book.

  8. Wow, I don’t know how anybody can read 415 books. You must read so fast! I’m envious. Good luck with your mood-boosting books. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  9. I am always envious of the number of books your read :) I hope you have a wonderful week!

  10. It's bit a bit quiet here lately, I will have to get out more.
    Hog Wild sounds like fun.

  11. Wow, you had a great reading year! So many books! I like the idea of mood boosting books. I could always use those throughout the year. Have a great week!

    1. Yes, and I'm enjoying compiling a list of good mood-boosting books, too.

  12. I need to give some thought to mood-boosting books. I'm sure read some occasionally. ;)

    1. It's a tricky thing, mood-boosting. Some that were on the list from the agency in the UK seemed too saccharine to me. Others were too snarky. Tricky.

  13. Yay for being done shopping! And wow you read so many books! Congrats! I will have to look at your mood-boosting list. Everyone needs those!

    1. I think it's good for us to have a list we can draw upon.

  14. I love the idea of mood-boosting books. Enjoy them, and wow! I'm impressed with how many books you've read.

    Have a great week!

  15. I have Bookworm and Flatshare on my TBR list. I hear good things about both. I'll be anxious to see what mood-boosting books you read in January. You always have great recs. Thanks so much!

    1. You do, too, Les. I will be interested in seeing what you think of these.

  16. I'm going to post a Sunday Salon post before the night is over at

  17. p.s. I LOVED The Christmas Jars enough to buy half a dozen copies for my Little Free Library. They were all taken, but if anyone followed through with the premise, I don't know.

    1. I got a copy of the movie to review on my blog later this week. It will be interesting to compare the movie with the book.

  18. Sounds like you had a good week. My reading for the year is down about 60 books. I may or may not get to 300 books this year. I enjoyed most of my reading and am content with reading less but there are so many books I didn't get to that I want to read. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  19. I love the idea of mood-boosting books, Deb. Especially when real life just goes on getting more and more dire... I started listening to A Hatful of Sky by Terry Pratchett yesterday, because I wanted more cheer in my life:)


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