Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Little Free Libraries: Fayetteville, Population 262, Has Three Little Free Libraries

Little Free Library #1 in Fayetteville, Texas

Lights around pole for nighttime perusers

Shelves allow for many books, without wasted space

Little Free Library #2 in Fayetteville, Texas

This library has openings on each

...and here.

Inside the library was a little notebook, where givers and takers could leave little comments.

There were also little stickers to keep.

Little Free Library #3 in Fayetteville, Texas

A bus theme

Lots of room for books

The reason there are so many Little Free Libraries in Fayetteville, Texas? I was told that the town has no public library. A bond issue to build a public library was turned down by the voters (though, according to this source) a bond issue for a sports park was passed. To help make up for a lack of a public library, several community members jumped on the Little Free Library bandwagon.

For more wordless photos, go to Wordless Wednesday.

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  1. Love them, we mostly have ours in Phoneboxes but I hav eseen the odd on like you showed

  2. Deb,

    These are so neat. I recall the first time I came across one. I had to photograph it. It was in another town while on one of our day trips. I can't recall where that was now. However, since that time they have moved into parts of our city which is really cool. Happy WW!

  3. i have seen some great ones, but haven't seen any around me. i have thought of creating my own because they are such a great idea.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  4. I love little free libraries soooo much! I always squeal with glee when I find one randomly when I'm out. My favorite one was in a tiny little fishing village in Norway. I was walking off the dock toward the few buildings the town had and lo and behold inside a phone booth was a little free library!

  5. We have them here all over too and I think it is wonderful idea that people can take books for free instead of throwing them away !

  6. These are wonderful, but what a shame the community doesn't have a public library! I won't take mine for granted, that's for sure.

    1. I will never take my public library for granted either.

  7. I love those little libraries. I'm not sure we could have something like that around my neighborhood but I love the idea.

  8. I love the fact the citizens took matters into their own hands. We have a LFL in our neighborhood.

  9. That's a fairly good ratio of free little public libraries in such a small town! How sad that sports got a yes, but books a no.

    1. It's Texas. Sadly, sports always gets a yes over anything else.

  10. I couldn't believe how many were in this tiny town.

  11. WOW, that's impressive. We have (1) but it's not in a real walkable locale. It was a girl scout project, I heard. In my daughter's town there are (2) and one is on the bike trail near a coffee shop so very popular.

  12. Love these! Especially the notebook for people to write in. We have three in our town with a too notch library. It's nice to see the citizens doing what they can.


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