Saturday, April 11, 2020

700 Children's Books Read

I left the house (masked) to pick up groceries from Kroger last Friday. I went to the post office (masked) on Monday. And that's it. 

Since I haven't had much luck reading anything except children's books, why not use this time to read from my 1001 Children's Books You Must Read list, I thought. Last week I read twelve and this week I read ten more. 

Drum roll, please. 

I have now read a total of 

700 of the 1001 Children's Books You Must Read!

Here's what I read last week:

Johnny and the Bomb by Terry Pratchett
Truckers by Terry Pratchett
The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling
Alex Rider: Ark Angel by Anthony Horowitz
Flour Babies by Anne Fine
Walkabout by James Vance Marshall
The Complete Adventures of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie by May Gibbs
Walking Naked by Alyssa Brugman
After the First Death by Robert Cormier
Viking's Dawn by Henry Treece

Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata
Redhead by the Side of the Road by Anne Tyler

I hereby resolve to read at least one of these two books this week.

I blogged a couple more times last week:

1. My husband crushed me in Yellowstone Monopoly this week. But it was tremendous fun.

2. We saw this new-to-us bird at the feeder this week. We think it's a House Finch.

3. Our pecan tree leafed out this week. Pecan trees are always the last trees to leaf out here, and our pecan tree is always the last pecan tree to leaf out. We've lived here for thirty-five years and we always worry whether it will happen this year. Sigh of relief. 

I hope you'll share your week with me.

I'm very happy you found your way to the Sunday Salon. There are no real requirements to linking up at Sunday Salon. Sunday Salon is simply a place for us to link up and to share what we have been doing during the week. Sunday Salon is a great way to visit other blogs and join in the conversations going on there. 

Some of the things we often talk about at the Sunday Salon:

  • What was your week like?
  • Read any good books? Tell us about them.
  • What other bookish things did you do? 
  • What else is going on in your life?

Other places where you may like to link up over the weekend are below. Click on the picture to visit the site.

My linkup for Sunday Salon is below.


  1. We gave our N95 masks to the hospital and have ordered some cloth ones that are supposed to come today. It'll be a relief to have them. We're not going anywhere except to work and we're keeping that contactless. It's such a sad time - I miss interacting with our friends and customers!

    After you finish all those children's books, you'll have to compile your own list of must reads!

    I love the picture of your husband!

    1. It is so good of you to give your masks to the hospital. A mask makes me feel a little bit less anxious.

      I need to start on my list now. I need a project.

  2. I love monopoly! I wore a mask last Sunday walking along the Charles in Boston but I have not worn one at work because I am only going in on Wednesdays and Friday's and no one else is in. I love Children's Books and every once in a while I feature or review one on my Blog. Have a great week!

  3. that's a wild monopoly game. a perfect time to be sharing all the children's books. i know parents out there are looking for ways to entertain their kids. i haven't been off my property for four weeks now. i want to get out and drive around, just to make sure the beach is still there, even if i only see it from the car
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. We'd like to go to the bird observatory, but we are afraid there are too many people.

  4. Nice Yellowstone Monopoly -- I have not seen that. I last went to a store about a week ago ... and I wore a mask then too. It feels ridiculous but safer. I'd like to have a pecan tree here ... for the pies!

  5. I remember my daughter really enjoying the Alex Rider books when she was young so it's nice to see they are on the 1001 list. Good for you for wearing your mask when you go out! If only everyone would follow suit.

  6. I'll be interested to hear your thoughts on Convenience Store Woman. I had high hopes for it, but it wasn't for me.

    We're playing a lot of games these days. My husband is such a good sport since he really doesn't care to play anything other than Trivial Pursuit.

    1. I thought Convenience Store Woman was told from an interesting point-of-view. I was a little disappointed, I think.

  7. We went for groceries this week too and had our masks on. You're doing great with reading children's. Hope you are having a great week!

  8. I went to the store this week too. And to work. Masks are mandatory here (are they where you are? Most places seem to be requiring it now, I know.), so I don't leave the house without one. I think we will break out a board game to play tomorrow. Not Monopoly though. I am not good at Monopoly. Haha. I hope you have a nice week, Deb. Stay safe and well.

    1. No, masks aren't mandatory, but I see more and more people with them on.

      I'm not good at Monopoly either.

  9. I didn't leave the house at all this week but I will need to go for groceries at some point next week. Masks aren't really being used here but I wonder if that will change soon.

    I hope you have a great week!

  10. Wow, he looks happy. I'm glad you're having fun. You have some good ideas.

  11. Thank goodness for books and blogger friends.

  12. I haven't been able to go to the store, but now have a cloth mask to wear when I go for my scheduled times in the courtyard.

    Last week I found Kindle versions of two old children's fiction books that belonged to my mother and which I read several times in childhood. I still have the hardcover versions on my "sentimental books" shelf.

    Reading them in the Kindle format was an eye-opener, which usually happens with me when rereading books in adulthood. It was mostly a sentimental journey, as the moralistic and Victorian values were dominating the story. LOL.

    Enjoy your week!

    1. Oh, golly, some of these old children's books are unbearable in their moralizing. The Sophie book I read in February...awful.

  13. Whoa! 700 is amazing! I love the new birds I'm noticing since we're home more. Just saw a male cardinal as I went to get my coffee.

  14. Yellowstone Monopoly sounds cool. I love how there are a million different monopoly variants available nowadays.
    Hope you have a good week!

    1. It would make a little better sense, though, to have an Un-Monopoly game set in Yellowstone. Do you really win if you make the most money? Perhaps if you convert some of the properties back into nature?

  15. 700 books is an astonishing achievement, congratulations!
    Our trees are starting to lose their leaves now we are well into Autumn. My husband hates having to sweep them up.

    Wishing you a great reading week, good health and a happy Easter 🐣

    1. Yes, our live oak trees drop leaves many times a year.

  16. Congrats on the 700 books! We haven't left the house this week except to walk. I have masks coming this week, the homemade ones you use a coffee filter with so I am holding off on any trips until they arrive. Be safe.

  17. My long-form reading efforts have been less than successful lately too; might as well lean into what's working whether children's books or (for me) short stories and movies.

    The tree outside our apartment looked really sad a few weeks ago and I was afraid it was a goner. Happily, it was just a, well, late bloomer.

  18. That's a Monopoly set that looks like fun! I like the pic of the dear little bird on your feeder - I'd love to have a feeder in our garden, but we have far too many cats lurking around. What a huge achievement to have read so many children's books, Deb! Have a healthy, peaceful week.

  19. My daughter has been wearing a mask when she goes to the store too. The only place I've gone is to walk the dog.

    1. We are ordering online, but I'm still wearing a mask when I go to pick things up.

  20. 700, WOW!! I told you last week I am going to check out this list and haven't done so yet. Now I am going to do it.., right now!

  21. It's amazing that you've read that many from the list! I haven't been going anywhere and have just been sending the husband out to get things. I need to sew some masks though to wear in case we do need to go out. Better to be safe than not. I hope this week goes well for you!

    Tressa @ Wishful Endings

  22. My brother picked up some homemade cloth masks for us today from a connection I made online. Since he is out and about driving to relieve his boredom, I haven't seen them yet. I am quite content staying home. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  23. Oh wow, you are churning down that big book of children's books, aren't you? I don't know most of these 10 but I have to give a fond "aww" at Flour Babies, which I barely remember outside of the fact that it introduced me to the concept, but I'm weirdly attached to recognizing it as a familiar cover at the public library all the same.

  24. I haven't left the house since March 19th but I have a doctor's appointment next week that I have to go to. I'm not looking forward to it. My husband is less vulnerable so he's been doing all the grocery shopping and restaurant pick up which has been nice. I'm debating the mask situation. I have a few N95s but they're so uncomfortable I'm kind of resistant to them. I'll probably wear it though. You've gotten some fabulous reading done! I'm enjoying all the books I've got going right now but with everyone home I don't feel like I've gotten any extra reading time! I hope you have a wonderful week!

  25. Glad you are having a good time with Monopoly. I haven't played that one in years. I'm loving your posts about all the children's books. I'll have to check out that book and see which I've read and get some great ideas for more to read. I hope you have a safe and healthy week!

  26. Here it is Friday and I'm just getting to this!


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