Saturday, April 25, 2020

Still Coughing, Mildred D. Taylor Books, and Free Library Cards

I'm still coughing, but I have (hopefully) turned a corner this week and I'm coughing much less. I'm still not sure what I had (or have) but I'm trying to do all the things I've seen suggested for getting well. I'm staying away from others, of course, but I'm also eating citrus, taking an elderberry supplement, taking a Cold-Eze tablet each day, finishing my antibiotic, getting outside each day for a shot of sunshine, and drinking lots of hot water with lemon. 

Anyone else have any home remedies for a cold or the flu? 

The first time I read Mildred D. Taylor's Newberry-winning novel, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, I almost wept. Taylor's story is based on stories of her father and his extended family in Mississippi in the 1930s. The story is set on a farm that the family just manages to keep going during the difficult times of the Great Depression, with the father and mother both working additional jobs in order to keep their land. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry sounded like the stories my dad told of his growing up years in north Louisiana, not thirty miles from where Roll of Thunder takes place, but with one key difference: the Logans were black and my dad's family was white. I felt compelled to question my dad about the differences. Did the white children have a bus that took them to their white school while the black children walked, often miles, to school? Yes, my dad told me, that was true. Were black adults made to defer to white children on the sidewalks of town? Yes, again my dad said that was true. Were black people generally under the control of the white plantation owners on which they were sharecroppers? Yes, true again. And on and on. I was shocked.

All the Days Past, All the Days to Come by Mildred D. Taylor takes place just before and during my own childhood, and I could remember hearing about the efforts of black people to be allowed full equality with whites, by lunch counter sit-ins and voting test preparations and bus rides through the south. This time, though, I was sitting at the counter with Cassie, facing white restaurant owners refusing to serve her, and I was with Cassie preparing black friends to take grueling voting tests on which blacks were quizzed about details of the Mississippi Constitution and I was riding in a car with Cassie and just ahead was a white roadblock, with men who held guns and had the power to take Cassie and me to jail on a whim.

You can't read this story and not be changed.

The Houston Public Library is currently offering free library cards to anyone in Texas. (Non-Texas residents may purchase a one-year membership for $40.) Through Hoopla and Overdrive, I've been able to find just about everything I'd like to read. Of course, there are long lines for the ebooks on Overdrive as these can only be checked out one at a time. I'm reading books as they come in for me at Overdrive.

I celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of Earth Day with a listing of all my favorite nature books for adults and for children: The 50th Anniversary of Earth Day: Books You Might Like to Read Now.

In my quest to read all of the 1001 Children's Books, I have run up against many obstacles, and this week I posed the question, Does It Count? Yes or No, to you, asking for help in resolving difficulties I've had in deciding whether I have truly read a book or not.

The City Nature Challenge 2020 is a citizen science project taking place all around the world. It begins on Friday, April 24 and runs through Monday, April 27. It is open to adults, teens, and children, and it is designed to find and document wild plant life and wild animal life using an easy phone app called iNaturalist. If you'd like to find out more or join in, take a look here.

1. I'm coughing less.
2. I haven't had to go to the doctor's office.
3. My husband hasn't gotten sick.

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  1. Sorry to hear you are still not well. Happy though that you seem to recover and your husband is still well. For a flu and cold I only use paracetal, lots of water and sleep! And lots of books. ๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍๐ŸŽ“ Take care and get well.

    1. I had to look up paracetal (I think it's a kind of pain reliever). Thank you for the suggestions, especially for the advising of much reading.

  2. I'm glad you're doing better and I hope you're back to normal soon. It sounds like I need to read something my Mildred Taylor. Have you ever had the privilege of meeting her?

    1. Mildred Taylor is one of the few authors I have never met. For a long time, I thought she was my dad's age (90s), but when this book came out, I looked it up, and she's in her seventies.

  3. Those coughs - so hard to shake. I know that in the past (not this year thank goodness) when I've had flu or respiratory things, the cough was the worst and lingered and lingered. Hopefully this week will see it gone. Looks like you're doing what you can for it - maybe put a little honey in with your water and lemon (or whiskey as my grandmother would - ha!). I'm still enjoying walking in the early morning while it's cool. I know that heat and humidity are just around the corner. Have no idea when my usual summer walking place - the rec center - will open or even if I'll want to go there when it does. Take care!

    1. I actually think I have a tiny bottle of whiskey that I bought for a dessert I make...

  4. Sorry to hear you're still not feeling 100% better. Hope that things turn around really quick. I finished reading Ghost Squad and it was adorable. Family, friends and lots of fun references to Ghostbusters, Goonies and Scooby-Doo.

  5. A persistent cough is not much fun at all. If you can try and find a combination of zinc and vitamin C, that's what a nurse recommended to me as a way of getting over colds more quickly

  6. After four weeks my coughing has finally almost stopped, I don’t think there is much more you can do, my dr usually recommends doubling up on vitamin C, and using a vaporiser to loosen congestion.
    All the Days Past, All the Days To Come sounds like a moving read.

    Wishing you a great reading week and better health.

    1. Why does it feel reassuring when I hear that you had a cough that lasted four weeks? I don't know, but now I don't feel quite so worried.

  7. I hope you are feeling better soon. Have you ever had pneumonia? My mom's cough (last fall) lasted for weeks and she wound up in the hospital with pneumonia. I hope yours goes away quickly!

    1. The last time I was sick was four years ago, and I had a cough/cold/probably pneumonia that hung on for three months. I finally went to the doctor and she gave me a shot which knocked it out.

  8. I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I've had a cough for months that I can't get rid of. I thought it was going away but it recently started up again. They think it's allergies. I don't have any different remedies than you. I hope you start feeling better soon.

    1. I have a lot of trouble with allergies, but I haven't been sick since I retired. I am pretty sure I got this from my son and his family. They had it a month ago, the last time I was around people.

    2. I have a lot of trouble with allergies, but I haven't been sick since I retired. I am pretty sure I got this from my son and his family. They had it a month ago, the last time I was around people.

  9. I hope you shake that cough soon. Nobody wants to be sick right now.

    I have it in my head that I don't like Mildred Taylor's books, but that is a left-over prejudice from my elementary school days. Maybe I should try again! And I LOVE that the library is opening up (so the speak) to so many people. A true service.

    1. Oh my goodness, I can't imagine that you wouldn't like Mildred Taylor, Wendy, unless it is because they are very old-fashioned. She speaks to me.

  10. Sorry to hear that you're not well! I hope you shake that cough soon.

  11. Hope you get better I'll have to note some of the things you're doing including eating citrus, taking an elderberry supplement, and Cold-Eze tablets. May I also recommend Hot tea with a little bit of milk. The tibetan shirpas drink theirs with butter tea and it seems to work wonders when ascending mt everest and places where there is no air.

  12. Taking a btisk walk or another form of excerise that gets you breathing deeply will help break up any congestion in your lungs. I had a bit of a dry cough a few months ago and I went for a quick walk every day and after a few days the cough went away (though for those few days my cough sounded worst after the walk).

    1. We have been trying to get out and walk each day. Perhaps we need to try a bit brisker walk.

  13. I'm glad you are feeling better! I have read the same thing, moving around helps. Also, surprisingly, chocolate is supposed to be good for your cough, and when my husband had a cough a few weeks ago he drank hot chocolate and it did seem to work. And it tastes good lol. We also use Elderberry supplements too, and probiotics. I have heard thyme tea is good as well. Feel better soon!

    1. I've requested some probiotics in my next grocery order next week.

      And chocolate, eh? That sounds like a win-win solution.

  14. Feel better soon! I take Airborne when I start my symptoms, but if I've waited too long, Zicam. But drinking something citrus or lots of tea...those make me feel better.

    Enjoy your week and your books!

    1. I haven't tried Airborne or Zicam. Maybe too late for that. Tea I'm trying now.

  15. Hopefully whatever you have will be gone soon. I hate being sick. I usually just drink lots of tea with lemon in it and suck on Hall's cough drops.

  16. I am sorry you are still really bad. I hope it clears up soon. (((hugs)))

  17. sorry you are going through this. As soon as I feel something is coming, I do this:
    Also, I got into the habit of gargling with Apple cider vinegar as soon as I get up and just before going to bed, everyday. Even if virus and bacteria are different, they both tend to enter your body the same way. I'm very rarely sick.
    I recently got dried elderberries, and I made my own elderberry syrup, that I take as preventive as well. 5 days a week - there are precautions to take with elderberries

    1. I'm rarely sick either, so this has struck me hard. Thank you for the suggestions, Emma.

  18. I hope this is the week the coughing stops :( This winter was a tough sickness winter for Gage - it took him forever (and 2 rounds of antibiotics) to get better, so I know it can seem like it will never end! Lots of VIT A, C, and D! Hear of Thunder Hear My Cry is one of my absolute favorites. I'll have to look for this one. Have a great week!

  19. Licorice is good for coughs. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. Maybe I should add licorice to my grocery list this week.

  20. I'm waiting on too many books in Overdrive. I wish there were more copies available for circulation in these trying times. I'm sure there are - I noticed the waiting line on some books shortened pretty fast, so that's good.

    Hope you feel better soon. Mildred's book sounds very good - this is my first time hearing about it so I'm going to check it out.

    1. Hoopla has an unlimited number of books available, so that is nice.

  21. I loved the book Roll of Thunder so will look into the follow up that you mentioned. I am glad to hear you are coughing less and taking care of yourself. Any illness now feels like a cause for concern. Yuck.

    1. I know. I feel fine as long as I don't worry that it's the coronavirus.

  22. I'm purging my books and just discovered I own All the Days Past, All the Days to Come! I might have squealed a little when I saw it.

    1. Oh wow! I am happy for you, Kathy. I hope you get a chance to read it soon, and I hope you like it as much as I did.

  23. Glad you're coughing less and feeling better. My allergies have been ridiculous lately. Even with Allegra I've been sneezing so much. The plus side of the warmer weather is that the plant will stop some of their nonsense. ;)

    1. I'm hoping the warmer weather will help in many ways.

    2. I'm hoping the warmer weather will help in many ways.

  24. Oh dear! It sounds like you are doing everything you can - but I would just add to ensure you are getting sufficient rest. Any kind of cough is exhausting and you will throw it off quicker if you ensure you get plenty of sleep, probably propped up with plenty of pillows. Take care and I hope you soon feel a lot better...

  25. No advice other then rest and rest and rest some more. I'm a big fan of epsom salt baths for body aches and just general blahs but I know not everyone is a bath person. The coughing is the worst because it keeps you from sleeping which makes everything take longer to get better. I hope this week is lots better!

  26. I think I started on Roll of Thunder once, but somehow could not read it fully for some reason (not because I did not like it though).. and now I am tempted to read them both..
    And hope you feel fully better soon..

  27. I hope you get a chance to read both. Thank you!

  28. I hope your cough improves. I'm glad your husband hasn't gotten sick.

  29. The best home remedy... a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, some lemon juice, a dash of cayenne or cinnamon, honey, all mixed up in a cup of hot water. The ACV breaks everything up. If you can tolerate the cayenne it breaks up congestion immediately. My kids hate it but with all the shows they do they take it and it works every time. Just a couple of cups throughout the day. Feel better.

  30. I'm glad to hear that the cough is getting better. Here's hoping this week sees the end of it. I've never read the Mildred Taylor books. I once had a plan to read all the Newberys but got derailed somewhere along the way. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  31. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry sounds like a good read now. Glad your cough is doing better! Like being stuck at home isn't miserable enough ;) Enjoy your week and stay safe!

  32. I hope the cough goes soon! Besides what you've mentioned, I like to add honey, ginger, and garlic to different meals or drinks.
    I really need to read those Mildred Taylor books!
    Have a great week and happy reading!

    Stacy Renee | LazyDayLit

  33. I'm so sorry you've been sick. Glad you are starting to cough less and I hope that continues this week. When I get the coughs and colds and such I enjoy a good homemade Hot toddy. Always soothing and helps me sleep.

    I saw the movie based on the book but I haven't actually read any of her books. Looks like I need to remedy that! That nature project looks fascinating. I will look into it more. Maybe use that for me and my son to get out this summer while social distancing.

    I hope you continue to feel better this week!

    1. As soon as I finish taking the antibiotic, I may try the toddy.

  34. Glad you are feeling better and coughing less. It's the time of year for seasonal junk..but not a good time to cough in public. My grandmother made some concoction with vinegar, and spices that tasted awful but worked. Vicks Rub helps.

  35. What a good way to catch up with what is going on in your life--almost as good as a visit or a long phone call!

  36. So have the antibiotics helped you at all? Were you on it 10 days? So sorry you can't get over the cough. Also I didn't realize out-of-state readers could become members of Texas's library system ... this has got me wondering about joining since ... I might have better odds getting new books? I too use Overdrive quite a bit. I can't tell that our Library system here .... is ordering books during the closure ... I don't think they are. hmm

    1. Yes, I took amoxicillin for ten days. Some days I think I'm better and then I start coughing.

      Once I get on a waiting list, I usually get everything I request from Overdrive.


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