Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Doctor Buks and Other Fabulous Bookish Memories

The first week of school I welcomed children to our library as the Queen of the Library.

Doctor Buks came each year to explain to the children in her French/German/? accent how to care for their library books.

I am too much of a scaredy-cat to read spooky books, so my identical twin sister* would come during Halloween to share some scary stories in the library. She could be pretty scary herself.

We loved following a recipe using imaginary ingredients and the magic that all libraries hold and surprising the students with pumpkin bread (real!) during the week before Thanksgiving.

Book fairs were a time to go on a safari...

...or be a superhero...Super Reader!

It was great fun to visit Paris through books. Bonjour!

We also explored folktales from Africa...



Germany (with a native from that country!)...



The Cat in the Hat always paid the library a visit.

You never knew who you might meet at a library conference. (Magic Tree House, Mo Willems)

My husband often visited the library to share his knowledge of rocks and his rock and gem collection.

The kids loved surprising author Jon (I Want My Hat Back) Klassen with an auditorium full of hats during his visit the year Klassen won the Caldecott.

Gotta love Fancy Nancy Day!

I brought out the guitar and we sang cowboy songs around the campfire during Go Texan Week.

The Great Madame Nance looked into her crystal ball and read children's fortunes. 

How proud I was the year our school brought home the prize at our district 2x2 Tumble Reading event.

And what a joy it was to set up five Little Free Libraries in neighborhoods near our school!

Fabulous bookish memories.

*Just so you know...I have no real identical twin sister who loves scary books...but it was great fun convincing the children at my school that I was Mrs. Zance...

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. Each Tuesday That Artsy Reader Girl assigns a topic and then post her top ten list that fits that topic. You’re more than welcome to join her and create your own top ten (or 2, 5, 20, etc.) list as well. Feel free to put a unique spin on the topic to make it work for you! Please link back to That Artsy Reader Girl in your own post so that others know where to find more information.   


  1. Oh wow! I love all the costumes! I wish I had more opportunities to dress up...or the ability to find and/or create the costume I have in my head! Lol.

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. What fun memories Deb. I didn't know you had an identical twin sister? Did you like most of the same things growing up (not scary stories I know lOL)

    1. Well...the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth is...I don't *really* have an identical twin sister, but it was super fun to pretend to be my own identical twin sister.

    2. Haha, somehow I thought so. Great idea!!!

  3. How wonderful your book memories are. Made me think of the fun we had at our children's book fairs.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT.

  4. I LOVE the costumes!!
    We have a yearly party at our school where all teachers are dressed up in a certain theme and the school is also transformed into that theme.
    There is a scavenger walk through the forest in the dark with a flashlight and then families arrive at school to see the theme and the teachers.

    This year's theme was knights and damsels!

  5. Great memories and wonderful librarians! What wonderful experiences for young readers!

  6. Wow! That looks amazing!

    My post is here— https://fiftytwo.blog/2021/11/30/ttt-bookish-confessions/

    Happy TTT!

  7. What a fun librarian you were at your school! I know the kids loved you and were delighted with all your various 'librarian' selves. I guessed you didn't have an identical twin, but a great idea indeed. Thanks for sharing with us, Deb! I would have loved to work with you!

  8. Love this! What amazing (bookish) memories you have. And what a fun job that you have opportunities to get so creative. :)

  9. What fun you had as a librarian and what fun your students must have had, too.

  10. Younger me would've loved to be welcomed to the library by the the library queen. That's so sweet. Happy reading! My TTT https://readwithstefani.com/ten-books-i-have-a-strong-emotional-attachment-to/

  11. Oh my goodness, what a fun librarian you were (are?)! Lucky kids to have such an enthusiastic book lover to teach them and guide them. My youngest's librarian just put on YouTube videos for the kids to watch during library. So lame.

    Happy TTT!

  12. You have made reading fun, interesting, and approachable for so many little minds. These pictures show your love of books, and sharing that love with others. Thank you for sharing.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  13. What wonderful memories and pictures! Love the pumpkin bread. :)

    I love the idea of your husband sharing his rock collection as well.

  14. You are WAY too much fun! I love all of these photos and can only imagine how even more joyful the actual events were!

  15. I love all of your costumes and great library events for your students. They were blessed to have you has their beloved librarian! I'll bet you miss sharing your joy of reading with the little ones.

  16. What a GREAT list of memories. I want to try and set up a free little library! I think it would be awesome. https://cindysbookcorner.blogspot.com/2021/11/top-ten-tuesday-bookish-memories.html

  17. Such fun bookish memories! I'm sure the kids must love having you as their librarian. :)

  18. I'll bet your school library was a favorite place for students to go and feel loved, supported, and to have fun!

  19. Love all the pics and like others have said, I am sure the kids love having you as their librarian!!!

  20. How fun! You made some great memories for the kiddos - and yourself! :)

  21. Aaah Debbie! I loved going through this post and all your special Library memories. It really is a magical place to work in and I know how blessed I am. I'm getting some inspiration from you here!

  22. Aaaaahhh, how creative you are! What fun to look back and remember. The kids will never forget either, Deb.


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