Saturday, November 13, 2021

Adventure on the Wine Route; Extraordinary Insects; and What's So Special About Dickens?


During the first week of Nonfiction November, I finished four nonfiction books. I've heard about Kermit Lynch's Adventures on the Wine Route: A Wine Buyer's Tour of France for years, and now I know is a great travel book for anyone interested in knowing more about wine. Bonnie at Bonnie's Books recommended If God is Love Don't Be a Jerk, and it sounded so wonderful that I bought it the same day. If you, like me, are worried about the contemporary Christian church and its ties to right-wing politics, you might be interested in reading this book. I'm slowly making my way through David Copperfield, and it seemed like the right time to read a little more about the author, so I picked up What's So Special about Dickens? It is aimed at the middle school crowd, but it hit just the right notes for me. And Extraordinary Insects told me every cool fact I've always wanted to know about bugs. Even if you aren't an insect person, you might find this book fascinating.

The Gastronomical Me by M.F.K. Fisher
On Animals by Susan Orlean
Rewild Yourself by Simon Barnes
She Has Her Mother's Laugh: The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity by Carl Zimmer

I've been creating a library for our naturalist group for over a year. I had to find books, sort them, catalog them, and label them. This week I finally wrapped up the project, and I will be placing them on a new bookshelf at the meeting room of our Texas Master Naturalist group soon.

I've managed to find and read 69 of the Cybils nominees for Fiction Picture Books and Board Books so far. That sounds good, right? Until you learn that I have to find and read a total of 251 books...

I'm delighted to see that Jenn at Jenn's Bookshelves will again be hosting the Thankfully Reading Weekend November 24 through 28. No rules...just hoping to get some good solid reading time in. To join in, sign up here.

Last week I posted here at Readerbuzz:

Good Thing #1
No traveling this week! 

Good Thing #2
I went back to my Christian meditation group for the first time since early last summer.

Good Thing #3
I went back to the Y for yoga for the first time since early 2020.

I'm happy you joined us here at the Sunday Salon. Sunday Salon is a place to link up and to share what we have been doing during the week. It's a great way to visit other blogs and join in the conversations going on there. 

Some of the things we often talk about at the Sunday Salon:

  • What was your week like?
  • Read any good books? Tell us about them.
  • What other bookish things did you do? 
  • What else is going on in your life?

Other places where you may like to link up over the weekend are below. Click on the picture to visit the site.


My linkup for Sunday Salon is below. 


  1. I'm on a Sherlock Holmes spree right now and am so happy that I have three more books on my Kindle!
    I read a rather old fashioned read Apricot Sky which was just right to take me away from suspense and
    murder. Have a good weekend.

    1. You have been on a bit of a suspense and murder kick. Glad you've found something to lead you in another direction for a while.

  2. I'm interested in If God Is Love, Don't Be a Jerk, partly because I like John Pavlovitz and partly because I've been shocked at the way some have claimed to be Christians without the slightest inclination to behave as Christ instructed. The "war on Christians" has been instigated by those calling themselves Christian.

    1. It's very frustrating to me to see people who call themselves Christian behaving in ways that are very different from what Christ instructed.

  3. First about your naturalist library, I ho[e you have included Jonathan Meiburg's A Most Remarkable Creature: The Hidden Life and Epic Journey of the World's Smartest Birds of Prey.

    AND, your book list is really neat.

    Best… mae at

    1. I will look for these titles. I haven't read either of them.

  4. I'm so happy that you've been able to return to yoga! I so enjoyed taking classes at our rec center, but that ended in 2020. Maybe it's time to see if it can start up again. Happy stretching!

  5. Putting together a library for your naturalist group sounds like a lot of fun!

    Glad you have been able to get back to some of your activities recently.

    Enjoy your reading!

  6. Happy that things continue to head towards the old normal for you. I haven't taken the step of group exercise yet and am not sure when I will, although I have all three shots. My book reading has almost stopped - I took two ebooks out of the New York Public Library and have barely read them. However, I'm almost done with "A Pslm for the Wild-Built" by Becky Chambers. I love her science fiction but found this book more about philosophy and finding oneself. Fantastic world-building.

  7. Great job on your CYBILS reading! I am really looking forward to seeing what the graphic novel finalists are and reading them in January.

  8. Looks like you had a great week, both reading and otherwise. I spent a lot of time this week in the garden which is always a good thing for me.

    1. I'd love to spend more time in the garden. I should revisit the native plant store.

  9. You have a lot going on Deb. The books for naturalist collection look interesting. I hope you enjoy On Animals; I thought it was pretty good and, yeah for yoga.

  10. I love that you've collected and catalogued books for your group!! And I love that you are reading the Cybilis books so I only have to read the best of the best :) I want to read If God is Love to support the author, but I gave up on his first one because I had a real hard time getting into it. Think I should give his new book a shot or will I have the same problem?

    1. I didn't read his first book, but this one was extremely readable.

  11. Sounds like you have some interesting books to read. I'm always so happy to hear when people are getting back to doing their normal activities again. It's a positive sign for sure. Hope you have a great week!

    1. I took some steps forward at the end of May, but then the Delta variant...

  12. I've read a tone of Sherlock and seen most of the current movies. I grew up with Boxcar children so my interest in mystery is grand.May I recommend Beekeepers Apprentice by Laurie King, a woman's sherlock holmes spin off. Makes me want to go read some more.

  13. Ooo I am interested in the books in your Naturalist Library!

    And how exciting to be able to rejoin your groups!

    1. I am always on the lookout for more good books to add to the library.

  14. OH! On Animals sounds fabulous! I read Orlean's The Library Book and really enjoyed it as well! Thank you for sharing the link to Thankfully Reading! I joined up and am looking forward to this happy event!

  15. I love John Pavlovitz! That Dickens book sounds like my level!

    1. Funny, but I'd never heard of John Pavlovitz until I read this book. I think I need to find out more about him.

  16. I'm not really big into non-fiction at the moment, but that Insect book sounds right up my sons alley. Thanks for sharing.

  17. The naturalist library sounds like a fun project.

    Good for you for getting back to the Y! I almost went back while we were in Alaska then the delta variant hit and scared me away. Now I've really been thinking about it again. I just can't quite get brave enough.

    If God Is Love sounds intriguing. I was raised as an "evangelical Christian" but lean left in my politics. I personally feel that there's a dissonance between the Church's teachings and the actions/words of a vocal group. It just makes me shake my head and throw up my hands.

    Enjoy your week!

    1. I signed up for yoga online for four weeks in a row before I finally braved up last week and showed up.

  18. Thanks, Deb, I do worry about so-called Christians linked to right-wing politics...and what that says to us.

    I love your fall leaves in the header.

    Enjoy your books, and here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. It's horrifying, isn't it? All you have to do is take a close look at the words of Jesus...

  19. Congrats on getting back to yoga and meditation. I've fallen off my meditation wagon lately, but I can't imagine life without yoga. I'm still not brave enough to do it with other people, though. Have a great week!

  20. Hi Debbie! You are then most enthusiastic non-fiction reader I've ever came across! You really are an inspiration. Next year, I promise.

    Did then insect book have Miss Benson's gold beetle in???

    I'm on myb tablet, so typing is a bit slow... Will pop in during the week again. Have a good week Debbie and thanks for all your love and care.

    Elza Reads

    1. Once you try some good nonfiction, you will become a nonfiction advocate just like me.

  21. Doesn't it feel good to get back to norrmal in some ways. We went out to a restaurant Friday night and commented it was the first time we were out at night in months too. LOL

    Have a great week!

    1. We have eaten in one restaurant, but I'd really like to get back to a regular restaurant routine.

  22. Your four nonfiction reads sound good. I can't believe I have still never read any Dickens yet he is the 94-yo's favorite author. I see a lot of interesting books in your library for the naturalist group, too!

    Looking forward to a four-day weekend and Thankfully Reading! I'm going to do a "Thanksgiving for Two" recipe I came across last year. I think it will be perfect for da Mama and I.

  23. I’m sure the library will be appreciated.
    We are half way through #NonficNov and I still have so much to read!

    Wishing you a great reading week

  24. 251 books?!? Wow - kudos on getting to 69, you'll be at 251 before you know it. Those little firsts - feels like a huge milestone right? I'm so glad for you that you were able to have two of this firsts this week.

  25. "If you, like me, are worried about the contemporary Christian church"... bingo. that's me. Good to see someone addressing this (I'm sure lots of people are but it's easy to miss books) And Wine Buyer's Tour sounds great!

    Glad you were able to get back toyour Christian meditation and yoga classes too. Be well this week!

  26. You've got some great reading going on for Nonfiction November! I took a little detour for the new Elizabeth Strout this week, but have been enjoying reading and getting new recommendations for NFNov! Glad you got to return to yoga :)

  27. Oh I love the sound of the library for the Naturalists group. What a wonderful project. I want to read more nonfiction next year. I love seeing all the books people are reading for nonfiction November. Have a great week!

  28. It sounds like your reading is going well. I'm wondering how you are liking On Animals by Susan Orlean? I just watched a Zoom with her about the book ... which was entertaining ... Have a great week.

  29. Isn't it nice to be able to rejoin groups and see life getting back to something more like normal? I'm glad you are enjoying your nonfiction choices. And good luck tracking down your Cybil nominees. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  30. It's so good to be able to get back to groups and activities, that is definitely something to be thankful for. I hope you continue to enjoy your non-fiction challenge.

  31. I recall adding She Has Her Mother's Laugh to my TBR a while ago.. it is still there.. And 69 out of 250 is still cool!! I am at 5 out of 83 still on my own Cybils list though I have at least 4 WIP currently!

  32. Yay for all the good things! I enjoy nonfiction but was not able to participate in the month of fun. Maybe next year!

  33. Hmm. Did I not comment before? Sorry if not. I look forward to your thoughts of Orlean's book On Animals. I usually like her books. I like yoga. Have fun.

  34. Love your Sunday Salons...don't know how I missed this one. I did enjoy it!


I love to hear your thoughts.