Sunday, January 6, 2019

New Year, New Ventures

It's a new year. I'm trying some new things.

I hope you noticed the header is reworked.

I'm checking my Blogger and Wordpress Reader each morning, and visiting blogs.

I'm now reading two huge books. I started Anna Karenina for my Classics Club list in December, but how could I resist reading along in Don Quixote in the Chapter-A-Day group?

I set my 2019 Goodreads Reading Challenge at 100, and I've already read six books:

My Goodreads list is here, if you'd like to see more.

I've started my new journal for the year. I hope to write every day for ten minutes.

I want to learn about the camera my sister loaned me. I'm starting by trying to learn about the aperture and the shutter speed. 

I am going to continue to explore the world of baking. Last week I made sweet empanadas, and I started a mix of sourdough.

I hope to continue to walk twice a week and go to yoga twice a week.

Last week I posted:
The Cybils Finalists: The Best Children's Books of 2018
My One Word: Play
Best Books I Read in 2018
My First Book of 2019

I also compiled a lengthy book memes list. Check it out, and maybe you will try something new for 2019.

Did you make resolutions this year? 
What goals are you trying to meet? 
What are you reading today?

What is the Sunday SalonImagine some university library's vast reading room. It's filled with people--students and faculty and strangers who've
wandered in. They're seated at great oaken desks, books piled all around them,and they're all feverishly reading and jotting notes in their leather-bound
 journals as they go. Later they'll mill around the open dictionaries and compare their thoughts on the afternoon's literary intake....That's what happens
at the Sunday Salon, except it's all virtual. Every Sunday the bloggers participating in that week's Salon get together--at their separate desks, in their
own particular time zones--and read. And blog about their reading. And comment on one another's blogs. Think of it as an informal, weekly,
mini read-a-thon, an excuse to put aside one's earthly responsibilities and fall into a good book. Click here to join the Salon.

The Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Kimba at Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It's a chance to share news and recap the past week.

Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia at The Printed Page. We share books that we found in our mailboxes last week. 
 It is now being hosted here.

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews in which you can share the books you've acquired.

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is where we share what we read this past week, what we hope to read this week…. and anything in between!
This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as well… you never know where that next “must read”
book will come from! I love being a part of this and I hope you do too! It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted at The Book Date.


  1. Good luck! I want to read both of those big books. I’m very scared of their massiveness. I made resolutions, but I haven’t posted them yet. They’ll be up on my blog eventually.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. Great start to your reading year! I've been slowly reading more classics also. Last year I read Tropic Of Cancer by Miller and the year before Moby Dick and Great Expectations. Here's to success on all your resolutions and a great 2019.

  3. From Bron:
    I tried to leave a comment but blogger seems to be playing up on my phone again! Fortunately I’ve learnt to ‘copy’ before trying to publish - this is what I tried to post - I’m reading Don Quixote with you

    My main plan for 2019 is to read more books from my TBR tsunduko.

  4. It looks like 2019 is going to be a good year for you! I have a nice camera that I don't know how to use. I should look into that.

  5. Happy New Year! Those are terrific and exciting goals. I'm looking into becoming a Wikipedia editor to work on the gender gap of editors and content.

  6. Wow, you have some wonderful plans for this new year! I hope you are enjoying retirement and all you can accomplish. I had to retire on early disability ten years ago so I think I take it for granted sometimes. I read Don Quixote in high school but don't remember more than "tilting at windmills" and Sancho Panza (sp?).

    Enjoy everything ahead (maybe one day I'll learn to make bread from scratch, but I'm more of an improvising cook/baker, ha).

  7. Whew. I haven't even read one book...yet. Hope to start this afternoon on my first read of the year.

  8. Your header looks nice! I'm afraid I'm not the visually observant type so I don't know what changes were made. Wow 6 books already!!! I love your cat pajamas and socks. Hey we have that exact pitcher!!! I wanted to learn how to bake stuff last year but only got as far as buying a baking cookbook and a package of yeast. What will you bake next?

  9. Six books already. Pretty awesome. I love that you post so many pics on your . I'm going to try and post more of my own pics as well this year.

  10. Love that camera, It was one of my favorite things to do in collage. I am not sure why I ever stopped taking pictures. It was always so nice to walk around finding images to capture.

    I hope you have a wonderful week, Deb! Happy Reading!

  11. Yes, I noticed your refreshed header! I always enjoy tweaking my blog every now and then. And, like you, I'm make an effort to read my favorite blogs over my first cup of coffee, rather than try to squeeze them in later during the day. I can always catch up on the news & social media, but catching up on blogs gets daunting once a couple of days have passed. I've never been one to click "Mark All As Read" for fear of missing something important.

    Bravo on your reading numbers so far this year. I've only finished one book, but I'm hoping to make more time for reading, too. Now that I'm caught up on all my book reviews, I should have more time to curl up and read.

    Again, like you, I've started keeping a bullet journal in which I write a "diary" entry at the end of each day. I haven't kept a diary/journal in decades and it's turning out to be a lot of fun. My goals for the year are to continue with my daily walks, lift weights at least twice a week, drink more water, drink less wine and turn off all computers/phones/e-readers by 8 pm. Those last two items have really helped with my ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. Go figure! :)

  12. Good luck with your goals! And you're off to a great start with Goodreads with six books already! I haven't even read one yet haha. I'm slacking off to start the year I suppose. :)

  13. I set my Goodreads goal at 120, hoping that the CYBILS books will boost me up. :-)

  14. Great goals for the New Year. Enjoy! I also like those socks. And your headboard. When I watch a movie, I'm always noticing the furnishings, and my kids make fun of me. LOL

    I haven't done the GR Challenge in about three years...maybe I should. Just for fun.

    I also like your reworked header.

    Thanks for visiting my blog...and "hang loose."

  15. Thank's an amazing start to your reading year, Deb. Your revamp looks really cool and best of luck with your two big reads:). It sounds as if you've started the year on a real high - I hope 2019 is a wonderful year for you!

  16. Those socks are so cute! Looks like your reading year is off to a great start! I've tried to read Don Quixote twice and can't get past the midway point. One of these days I will!

  17. My dad was a professional news photographer. I can pass on his general photography advice, which is: get closer to the subject, brace your elbows against your body, overcast days and early/late in the day have the best lighting, and something that I think applies to your type of camera, "BRACKET!" He had a note saying that taped to his Nikon. I think it means setting the aperture to both higher and lower numbers than the one you think it should be at.

    Your life makes me want to retire so I can DO all the things I want to do! I love your bright and seasonal heading!

  18. A great start for you in reading already and I often enjoy larger books. And it sounds like you have some great plans for this year. Love those socks!

    My Sunday Post

  19. Interesting week. I don't do resolutions more just goals and it's a continuous process to improve rather than an annual time period. OK it looks like I have read 7 books already this year. I did read 2+ audiobooks over the weekend while knitting, cooking, raking leaves, doing laundry, and running errands. So I'm off to a good start since I was figuring 3 books a week. But New Year's Day was my day to read and relax over the holidays. Good luck with all your goals! Anne - Books of My Heart

  20. Wow... talk about starting off strong! The reworked header looks great.

  21. I read Don Quixote while at high school after taking part in a school production of Man of La Mancha! Enjoy and have a great week.

  22. Those are definitely two big books. I hope you enjoy them. It sounds like you have lots of great plans and goals for the year. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  23. Wow! You're so organized -- looks like 2019 will be great.

  24. Some great plans for the year and every blessing upon them. I love the ten minutes or chapter a day - we can do that, right. Just a little at a time and eventually we become very good at it, and I have found that to be true. Wow six books already. That's a great start.

  25. I hope you are enjoying Anna Karenina. I read it a few years ago and enjoyed it. I am reading Don Quixote right now too! Thank you so much for pointing me to Nick's read-along. I just did Les Misérables with him. I had planned to read Don Quixote this year anyway, but this is an extra reason to do so.

    Good luck with all your goals this year, Deb. They all sound very reasonable and I know you can do it.

    Have a Happy New Year!

  26. Deb, I love your new header and I had noticed it, but not commented on it. So now I will! You are a whirlwind of activity. Seems like retirement will be just as busy for you as working. Not surprised. Ha! Enjoy your lonnnnnng books. I really don't have an interest in them, but 'you go girl!'. :-)

  27. You're off to a great start with this year's reading. I adore Don Quixote and have read through all four volumes twice. I did a weekly blog post the last time I did which you can find on my blog. First update of 2019

  28. Seriously, six books already?! You are reading at a one a day rate. That is crazy! Ah...I so look forward to retirement and reading time! I'm on book three for 2019 and that is an amazing rate for me.

  29. wow, so many good things for 2019, enjoy! How come you mention so many titles I have read or want to read, lol! Saving CeeCee was good! And I'm also in Don Quixote, though already running behind, on a slower horse I guess. Just finished my 2nd book of the year


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