Tuesday, February 11, 2020

In Other Words: A Language Lover's Guide to the Most Intriguing Words Around the World (Partie Trois)

In Other Words: A Language Lover's Guide to the Most Intriguing Words Around the World
written by Christopher J. Moore

"Take a trip around the world of words and unlock the meaning of some of the most insightful, intriguing, and satisfying expressions on the planet, for which there are no English equivalents."

Christopher J. Moore closely studies all the languages of the world to find the most fascinating words and expressions and shares them with us in this book. Moore finds words in French, German, Italian, and other Western European languages; Czech, Russian, and other Eastern European languages; Yiddish; Nordic languages including Danish, Norwegian, and Icelandic; the Middle Eastern languages of Arabic, Turkish, and Persian; African languages; Asian languages; ancient and classical languages; indigenous languages; and Creole and Pidgen languages. This is the kind of book that we who love words could read for a year.

While I'm off in Paris for a few weeks, I thought it would be fun to share some of the most fascinating French words from the book, and to use my nascent photography skills to illustrate each.

Here are a few of my illustrated words:


  1. I love this series and your lovely photos!

  2. I love that you are using your own photos from Paris for these words. I hope you're having a fantastic time!

    1. I'm not sure that I have the complete grasp of the words, but it was interesting to try to use photos of my own to illustrate the meaning of the words.

  3. Loved this post, Deb! Learnt something new today (Images 1 and 2).
    Thanks for sharing these. Would love to have you join our weekly blog hop today, Deb

    Happy Wednesday and a wonderful week ahead.

  4. Last one I have heard of and of being used the other two no

    1. I could have taken a thousand pictures in the last seventeen days of me being "la pedze" in Paris.

  5. That last word is the only one I've heard of before.

  6. What a wonderful-sounding book. I am adding it to my TBR right now. Are you in Paris right now or preparing to go? Have fun!


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