Saturday, February 1, 2020

Aventures à Paris

My Paris writing book

I'm here in Paris. I'm doing all kinds of wonderful Paris things. Visiting museums. Going to the parks. Walking around Paris. 

Plus I'm doing the wonderful Paris things we bookish sorts do. Reading in Paris parks. Writing in Paris cafes. Visiting Paris bookstores. 

It's pretty close to Paradise.

I'm reading some of my Paris books. It makes me feel so happy to be reading Paris books in Paris.

I've loaded up my Kindle with books about Paris for my trip. Here's what I have on my Kindle:

(Not Quite) Mastering the Art of French Living (memoir)
Alone Time: Four Seasons, Four Cities, and the Pleasures of Solitude (memoir)
Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne (classic fiction; 1001 Children's Books)
Barefoot in Paris: Easy French Meals You Can Make at Home
The Belly of Paris by Emile Zola (classic fiction)
The Book of Salt by Monique Truong
Captain Fracasse by Theophile Gautier (classic fiction; 1001 Children's Books)
Champagne Baby: How One Parisian Learned to Love Wine-and Life-the American Way (memoir)
Charlotte in Paris (children's book)
Chez Moi: A Novel by Agnes Desarthe (fiction)
City Walks: Paris (travel)
Fairy Tales by Marie Catherine Baronne D'Aulnoy (classic children's fiction; 1001 Children's Books)
Father Goriot by Honore de Balzac (classic fiction)
Forever Paris: 25 Walks in the Footsteps of Chanel, Hemingway, Picasso, and More (travel)
French Visual Phrase Book (language)
Gourmet Rhapsody by Muriel Barbery (fiction)
In Foreign Fields: How Not to Move to France (memoir)
Introduction to French Poetry: A Dual Language Book (poetry)
L'appart: The Delights and Disasters of Making Paris Home by David Lebovitz (memoir)
L'art de la Liste: Simplify. Organize. Enrich Your Life. (self-help)
L'assommoir by Emile Zola (classic fiction)
Learn French with Paul Noble (language audio)
Literary Paris: A Photographic Tour (photos)
The Little Bookshop on the Seine (fiction audiobook)
Little French Bakery Cookbook (cookbook)
The Little Paris Kitchen by Rachel Khoo (cookbook)
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
My Paris Kitchen by David Leibowitz (cookbook)
Mystery of the Yellow Room by Gaston Leroux (classic audiobook; 1001 Children's Books)
Ooh La La! French Women's Secrets to Feeling Beautiful Every Day (self-help)
Omelette and a Glass of Wine by Elizabeth David (foodie nonfiction)
Mad Enchantment: Claude Monet and the Painting of the Water Lilies (nonfiction)
Nobody's Boy by Hector Malot (children's fiction; 1001 Children's Books)
P. S. from Paris by Marc Levy (fiction)
Paris City Trails (travel)
Paris in a Weekend with Two Kids (travel)
Paris: Lonely Planet (travel)
Paris Revealed: The Secret Life of a City by Stephen Clarke
Paris Sweets: Great Desserts from the City's Best Pastry Shops (cookbook)
Paris: The Novel by Edward Rutherford (historical fiction)
Paris to the Moon by Adam Gopnik (memoir)
Pocket Paris (travel)
President's Hat by Antoine Laurain (fiction)
Pretty Minnie in Paris (children's picture book)
Reader on the 6.27 (fiction)
Seven Ages of Paris (history)
Sophie's Misfortunes by Sophie Rostopchine, Countess of Segur (classic children's fiction; 1001 Children's Books)
Sundays in Paris: An Insider's Guide to the Best Places to Eat, Drink, and Explore (travel)
Taste of Paris: A History of the Parisian Love Affair with Food (foodie nonfiction)
To Capture What We Cannot Keep by Beatrice Colin (fiction)
Where is the Eiffel Tower? (children's nonfiction)
Who Was Claude Monet? (children's biography)
Writer's Paris: A Guided Journey for the Creative Soul (writing)

Highlighted books are those I am currently reading.
Any thoughts about any of these?

Are you thinking about adding a good book to a favorite child's Valentine stash? Take a look at Want to Share a Little Love This Valentine's Day? Give a Child a Book for some good ideas.

Did you realize that the world-famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, lives at a library when he isn't making weather predictions? Take a look here.

Helen of Helen's Books watched The Two Popes a couple of weeks ago. This inspired me to watch it, too. So I did. And I loved it. I loved the relationship between the two men in the movie. I loved how each man helped the other man become a better and happier person. 

Have you seen The Two Popes? What did you think about it?

I'd love to hear about your week.

I'm very happy you found your way to the Sunday Salon. There are no real requirements to linking up at Sunday Salon. Sunday Salon is simply a place for us to link up and to share what we have been doing during the week. Sunday Salon is a great way to visit other blogs and join in the conversations going on there. 

Some of the things we often talk about at the Sunday Salon:

  • What was your week like?
  • Read any good books? Tell us about them.
  • What other bookish things did you do? 
  • What else is going on in your life?

Other places where you may like to link up over the weekend are below. Click on the picture to visit the site.

My linkup for Sunday Salon is below.


  1. Doing all sorts of Paris things sounds fabulous!

  2. More photos! More photos! More photos! :)

  3. Viva la France! I'm so glad you're having a wonderful time!

    I haven't seen The Two Popes but hope to one day.

  4. Glad you're having a great time in Paris! (But then I knew you would...)

    I saw The Two Popes. I loved it!

  5. Have a great time while you're there. I didn't know the groundhog lived in a library.

  6. Yay, Paris! Hope you're having a blast!
    Punxsutawney Phil living in a library makes me like the little critter more than I did. Thanks for the link!

  7. Replies
    1. Anything I don't finish while I'm here I plan to save for Paris in July.

  8. So glad you are enjoying Paris despite the current craziness.
    Zola and Balzac, yes, any time, any thing!

    1. We are staying close to the Place de la République, and there are frequent demonstrations. The first day we ate lunch nearby and were a little shaken up with fireworks set off by people demonstrating in the streets.

  9. That does sound rather like paradise!!! Have an awesome time!!

  10. Ooh I love that you're theme-ing your reading around your trip and I'm so jealous, I'd love to be in Paris right now. Reading in parks, along the Seine, with a coffee and a croissant. I hope you're enjoying a lovely weekend and have a great week coming up! Do pop by my round-up post if you have the time :) Juli @ A Universe in Words

    1. I'm so sorry to hear that you are stuck at home during this problem with the virus in China. I'll be sending good wishes and prayers your way.

  11. I love the idea of reading according to your trip itinerary! I hope you enjoy Paris and have a great week ahead.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  12. Oh la la... it sounds like you're having a fabulous time - and quite right too. Continue with the good life, Deb:))

    1. I hope I can return to the US and bring some of that good life back with me.

  13. Sounds like you're have an amazing time-wish I came in your suitcase.

  14. Delighted that Paris is living up to your expectations...
    Je vous souhaite une excellente semaine de lecture à Paris!

  15. Paris sounds so exciting! I hope you are having a wonderful time!

  16. I have gone to the library more often than the movies!

    I saw the Two Popes and loved it too, although I know a lot of it was fictional. I love seeing behind the walls of religion.

  17. You sounds like you are having a wonderful time in Paris! I hope the rest of your trip is as enjoyable. :)

    1. It's been rainy the last couple of days. Hopefully we'll see a little sun today.

  18. Oh, what a perfect week!! I'm sure the rest of your time there will be just as wonderful. I haven't watched The Two Popes yet, but plan to sometime this week. Tonight instead of the Super Bowl I'll be watching Howards End and Sanditon..maybe the movie tomorrow :)

    1. I completely missed the Super Bowl. I am very interested in Sanditon.

  19. I am so glad to hear that your Paris vacation is going well (of course, how could it not?!). And you watched Two Popes! And like it! Yay, I'm always glad when I recommend something to someone that works out well.

  20. Your trip to Paris sounds amazing! Have you been to Musée d'Orsay? It's one of my favourite museums.
    I haven't watched Two Popes yet, but I really want to!

    Have a wonderful week!

    1. I love Musée d'Orsay. It is probably my favorite, too.

    2. I actually would love to go back and see it again!

  21. The closest I've come to feeling like I was in Paris was when my husband and I took a trip to Quebec City, lol. Didn't speak a word of French but I tried lol - and ended up getting my order wrong a few times.

    So glad that you are getting to do all the things we imagine we should do when in Paris!

  22. How wonderful for you to be reading books about Paris while on your trip. It sounds like paradise!

    Yes, I've read The Two Popes and thought it was quite good. Wonderful acting.

    I hope you continue to enjoy your travels!

  23. When I read books about Paris, I can almost feel like I am there...almost! Maybe someday.

    Enjoy your time there and your books...thanks for sharing.

  24. Sounds like you're having a fabulous time in Paris. Enjoy the rest of your time there.

  25. I don't think I've read any of your Parisian books. My weekly update

    1. None of them, Sarah? And I thought you'd read a little of just about everything.

  26. I'm so glad you're enjoying Paris so much. Just walking around enjoying the atmosphere sounds wonderful. I plan on doing a similar stay there (maybe for 2 or 3 months) once I retire. I've got a few years to go, so may have to take a summer trip before that. Paris is my number one city in the world!

  27. Oh, I love the idea of reading books set in the setting I am in! Especially somewhere as special as Paris.

  28. What a wonderful time you must be having in Paris! I also love to read books set in the places I visit when on vacation. Just makes the trip all the more memorable. Have a blast!

  29. Yeah reading Emile Zola in Paris seems like paradise. I like the sound of David Lebovitz's memoir too. I'll have to look for that. I haven't seen the Two Popes movie yet ... but glad you liked it. Enjoy your time!

  30. Paris sounds wonderful!! Have a fantastic time!!


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