Thursday, December 3, 2020

2020 Nonfiction Reader Challenge (Finished!) and 2021 Nonfiction Reader Challenge (Joined!)


The aim of the Nonfiction Reader Challenge is to encourage you to make nonfiction part of your reading experience during the year.

The Nonfiction Reader Challenge runs from January 1st to December 31st, 2020. Participants may join at any time up until December 1st, 2020.

There are three levels:

Nonfiction Nipper: Read 3 books, from any category

Nonfiction Nibbler: Read 6 books, from any category

Nonfiction Know-It-All: Read 12 books, one for each category

I aimed to be a Nonfiction Know-It-All. 

I succeeded.


1. Memoir: Kitchen Yarns: Notes on Life, Love, and Food by Ann Hood

2. Disaster Event: The Storm of the Century: Tragedy, Heroism, Survival, and the Epic True Story of America's Deadliest Natural Disaster: The Great Gulf Hurricane by A. L. Roker

3. Social Science: Tightrope: Americans Reaching for Hope by Nicholas D. Kristoff

4. Related to an Occupation: Confessions of a French Baker: Breadmaking Secrets, Tips, and Recipes by Peter Mayle

5. History: Dreams of El Dorado: A History of the American West by H. W. Brands

6. Feminism: What Would Cleopatra Do? Life Lessons from 50 of History's Most Extraordinary Women by Elizabeth Foley

7. Psychology: Good Morning, Monster: A Therapist Shares Five Heroic Stories of Emotional Recovery by Catherine Gildiner

8. Medical Issue: Good Blood: A Doctor, a Donor, and the Incredible Breakthrough that Saved Millions of Babies by Julian Guthrie

9. Nature: Around the World in 80 Trees by Jonathan Drori

10. True Crime: Vanished Smile: The Mysterious Theft of Mona Lisa by R. A. Scotti

11. Science: A Farewell to Ice: Report from the Arctic by Peter Wadhams

12. Published in 2020: Vesper Flights by Helen Macdonald

I'm so happy to have completed this challenge in 2020, and I'm signing up now for the 2021 challenge. I will try for the Know-It-All level once again, and that means reading one book from each of the following categories: 

1. Biography

2. Travel

3. Self-help

4. Essay Collection

5. Disease

6. Oceanography

7. Hobbies

8. Indigenous Cultures

9. Food

10. Wartime Experiences

11. Inventions

12. Published in 2021

How did you do with the 2020 challenge? Are you planning to participate in 2021? Here's the post to sign up for 2021. Thank you, Shelley, at Book'd Out.


  1. Congratulations Deb! And so glad you’ll be joining me again next year!

  2. I am sooo doing Non Fiction next year! I know I don't read enough non fiction. Luckily I now have your list of some great reads I can delve into.

    Hope you had a good week Debbie.

    Lots of love,

    Elza Reads

  3. Of course, you are a Know-it-all, we all knew about that, lol! Still, it's very impressive, with great topics. Good luck for the 2021 challenge!

  4. I definitely want to participate! Where do I sign?

    1. Here's the link to Shelley's blog:

  5. I'm a Nipper. Of the 85 books I've read so far this year, only three have been nonfiction.

    1. That surprises me, Dorothy. I imagine you to read lots of nonfiction.

  6. I want to join a nonfiction challenge for 2021, but am not sure about the categories in this one. I need to think about it a bit more.

  7. Wow! You did amazing! I missed out on 2020 but am all signed up and working on matching my books with the categories for 2021.


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