Saturday, March 27, 2021

Klara and the Sun, Women Who Dared, and ❤️Wyatt Turns Two ❤️


My reading was all over the place last week. I finished Women Who Dared for Women's History Month. We finished watching the 2020 season of The Great British Baking Show, and I celebrated by buying and reading Love to Bake. I finished a couple of 2021 picture books, and I read a science fiction story by a friend, Father Mike, called Election Day.

Best of all I read and loved Kazuo Ishiguro's new book, Klara and the Sun. Has anyone else read this one? What did you think?

Women Who Dared: 52 Stories of Fearless Daredevils, Adventurers, and Rebels (Women's History Month)

The Great British Baking Show: Love to Bake (2020 Season)

Election Day by Michael Gemignani (Book written by a friend, an Episcopalian priest)

Oona and Ella's Night Lights (Two picture books)

Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro 

Yes, and...Daily Meditations by Richard Rohr (Daily Meditation Reading)

The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri (Chapter-a-Day Read-Along)

Tarka the Otter by Henry Williamson (1001 Children's Books)

The Little Book of Lent (Daily Reading During Lent)

Out of Eden: An Odyssey of Ecological Invasion (Naturalist Book Club)

Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson (Classics Club)

On Reading More Than One Book at a Time by Austin Kleon. I subscribe to Austin Kleon's weekly newsletter. Kleon is the author of Steal Like an Artist and other books about writing. Every week he sends out ten things he thinks are worth sharing. You can subscribe, too, here.

I recently posted:

Good Thing #1: It was the second birthday of my grandson, Wyatt. His parents threw him a party outdoors. It was wonderful to get together with family after this long year of isolation.

Good Thing #2: The kids got to ride horses at Wyatt's party. They loved that!

Good Thing #3: I painted a cowboy and cowgirl cut-out photo stand for Wyatt's party. The kids had fun with these.

I'm happy you found your way to the Sunday Salon. Sunday Salon is a place for us to link up and to share what we have been doing during the week. It's a great way to visit other blogs and join in the conversations going on there. 

Some of the things we often talk about at the Sunday Salon:

  • What was your week like?
  • Read any good books? Tell us about them.
  • What other bookish things did you do? 
  • What else is going on in your life?

Other places where you may like to link up over the weekend are below. Click on the picture to visit the site.

My linkup for Sunday Salon is below. 


  1. Wow, Wyatt is a big boy for just 2 - Happy Birthday to him. Klara and the Sun is on my TBR/audio list. I've liked what I've heard others say about this one - sounds different. Have a good week Deb.

  2. That outdoor party looks great, the kids must have been so happy ! Happy birthday to Wyatt :) You're so lucky to have read the latest Ishiguro, I want to read it too. Enjoy your week-end !

  3. Happy belated birthday to Wyatt. It looks like from the photos that everyone had fun, but most especially him, your family, and you. I like that you share Three Good Things. It's a good way to look back at the week and fits in with St. Ignatius, I think, and The Examen. Sometimes it's easy to look back at the things that went wrong with the week and forget the good around us too. Thanks for giving that reminder...every week.

  4. Wyatt is a cutie and it looks like his birthday was really special. The Ishiguro book is next on my reading list. I can hardly wait!

  5. I enjoyed a lot Klara and the Sun, and I disagree with the meh reviews. I still need to write mine!

    1. I have heard some were disappointed with Klara. I wonder why.

  6. Wyatt looks like he had a fantastic birthday and lovely weather for it!

  7. Happy birthday for your grandson! How lovely that you all got to celebrate. :)

    I find it funny how popular the Great British Bake Off (as it's called here) is! People get super invested whenever a new season starts...

    1. It's probably my favorite show. I would like to start at the beginning and see it all over again.

  8. Glad you had some good reading this week! I like the sound of Election Day and Klara and the Sun. I haven't read Ishiguro.

    And happy birthday to your grandson!

    1. It was fun to read my friend's book. It shows me another side to him.

  9. Love to Bake sounds wonderful! We very much enjoyed the 2020 season of Great British Bake-Off and were thrilled with the winner. I do miss the original hosts and Mary Berry but it is always a show I enjoy. Sounds like a nice week and Wyatt's birthday party sounds like such fun!

  10. Well, Wyatt is just adorable! That's so great that you were able to get together with friends and family for his birthday. I look forward to being able to do that soonish.

    1. Now I need to see if I can bravely go inside...small steps...

  11. Happy Birthday to Wyatt! He's such a cutie!

    Have a great week!

  12. So many great things!! Wyatt is adorable :) I love the cutout you painted, so fun.

    1. I feel proud of it. My cowgirl is on a horse and the horse has a very, very long neck. lol

  13. Happy Birthday Wyatt! The get big so quick don't they.
    I have Klara and the Sun and the sun waiting for me to read it, I am almost saving it for when I really need a great book.
    Thanks for the Kleon Link, I have loved all his books but really should follow his blog more.
    Charlotte Burt's Books

  14. I finally started reading my first Richard Rohr book (Everything Belongs). I want to underline something on every page! I should just take the book apart and put it as wallpaper on my wall. Food for daily meditation indeed.

  15. I'll have to add Out of Eden to my list. I wanted to be a naturalist when I was younger but I can't draw and my writing isn't great which seemed to be necessary skills for a naturalist.

    1. Interesting. I never thought of those as naturalist skills.

  16. Grey morning here. John gets his first shot this week along with a auspicious birthday!

  17. How awesome does that party look?! Happy Birthday to Wyatt!! :)

  18. Hi Debbie! Aaah - aren't you just the greatest Granny in the whole wide world! Glad everyone had so much fun at the birthday party. Small things that we took for granted in the past.

    I really want to read Klara and the Sun! And if you approved of it so passionately, even more so.

    Have a good week and take care!

    Elza Reads

    1. The last time I was with more than just my husband was at Wyatt's first birthday. That seems so long ago.

  19. Wyatt's party looks like fun! Also, I recently caught up on all The Great British Baking shows.

    Have a great week!

  20. Thanks for linking us up with Austin Kleon! I do, occasionally read more than one book at a time, but not often. I love that picture he posted of books on his breakfast table and I NEED to see what all he has written in his little red moleskine or whatever. I clicked over to the link he shared to the post about reading with a pencil and then had to stop myself from clicking other links because I am trying to focus on the Sunday Salon posts. LOL I'll have to come back to you, Austin!

    Wyatt is such a cutie and it looked like he had a great party! Love the cowboy/girl cutout you made for photo ops.

  21. I’m so glad you were able to celebrate Wyatts birthday with your family! I remember (I think) that for his first birthday you did a woodland scene.
    I’m always so motivated to bake after watching The Great British Bake Off!

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. You are exactly right. Wyatt has the woodland scene in his room.

  22. Love the pictures of smiling kids :) I can almost feel that warm, fresh air! I'll have to go check out the 'reading more than one book at a time.' Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Now that I'm working and have less free time, I've usually been just reading one book at a time. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I never get to the point where I have nothing to read.

  23. Happy birthday to Wyatt! How fast they grow, and before we know it, they are teens and twenty-somethings! Mine are two teens and five twenty-somethings, but it seems like they were babies and toddlers just the other day.


    Women Who Dared sounds like a good one. Enjoy your week, and here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. I was amazed at how fast my kids grew up, and it seems like my g-kids are growing up even faster.

  24. wow what a fun idea. I remember doing those things as a kid and thanks to video recording I even have footage. that's when camcorders took an hour to learn how to record.

  25. I love that you can read so fast! And that photo stand is just darling! I need to remember this for future years!

    1. My daughter-in-law is very artsy and she always encourages me.

  26. I've never read Murakami, but your review of Klara and the Sun has me wanting to right away! Wyatt is a cutie... and you are so talented painting the cowboy/cowgirl cutouts. Have a good week, Deb.

  27. Happy birthday to your grandson. Those were very cute pictures.

  28. Happy birthday to Wyatt! So fun to see the kiddos enjoying themselves!
    I haven't read the latest Ishiguro book but it's high on my TBR. I love his writing. Thank you for the reminder of Austin Kleon. I will have to check out his newsletter. Hope you have a great week ahead!

  29. I'm happy to know you loved Klara and the Sun, I haven't picked it up yet but hoping to so this year.
    Your three good things are always something to look forward to, maybe I should think of some myself every week.
    Have a wonderful week and happy birthday to Wyatt!

  30. Happy belated birthday to your grandson!! And that cut-out photo stand you painted is so wonderful...

  31. Omigosh your grandson is so cute! Time flies when they are this little lol! Sounds like an awesome birthday party!! Hope you have a great week :)

  32. sounds like a good time at the birthday party. i love birds too. nice pic
    sherry @ fundinmental

  33. Looks like a fun party! You did read quite a variety of books this past week. Sometimes I feel like my tastes are too narrow when seeing all the variety others read. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. It's funny because the few books I rarely read seem to be genres that others love, like mysteries and romances.

  34. What a cute little cowboy Wyatt makes. Happy Birthday to him!

    I really enjoyed Klara although it did have the same sterile feel that Never Let Me Go had.

    I am trying to finish two books a week so I am working on We Begin At The End. Not hard to do because it's so good but I had a busy weekend so I am a bit behind.

  35. Your grandkids are precious. It looks like the birthday party provided a good time for all.

  36. Fabulous birthday, I love going to the young ones parties. Nice to see Richard Rohr book here, I enjoyed his podcasts with a young couple - I need to go back and re listen. To much to take in all at once.

  37. Happy birthday to Wyatt! He looks adorable! I am glad to hear that the kids had a blast at the party. Sounds like my kind of party as well.

    Enjoyed reading that article by Austin Kleon. Thanks for sharing it.

  38. I haven't read Klara and the Sun, but it sure is getting a lot of praise and I think I might like to try it.

    Not the same last name, but my dad was an Episcopalian minister and went by Father Mike. :)

    Wyatt is a darling little boy. Love his cowboy hat! And what a great idea to make a cowboy/cowgirl cut-out stand!


I love to hear your thoughts.