Friday, December 9, 2022

Babel: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution by R. F. Kuang

Friday Book Friends: Book Beginnings on Fridays, The Friday 56, and Book Blogger Hop 

I've been intending to join into these fun book memes for many years, and I've finally gotten around to trying these out on the Fridays in December. If I am successful, I hope to continue participating in 2023.

Today's Featured Book: 

Babel: Or the Necessity of Violence: 

An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution

by R. F. Kuang

Genre: Fantasy

First Published: 2022

Page Count: 540


BOOK BEGINNINGS ON FRIDAY is hosted by Rose City ReaderWhat book are you happy about reading this week? Please share the opening sentence (or so) on BOOK BEGINNINGS ON FRIDAY! Add the link to your blog or social media post and visit other blogs to see what others are reading.

Happy Friday and welcome to the FIRST LINE FRIDAY, hosted by Reading is My Superpower! It’s time to grab the book nearest to you and leave a comment with the first line.

"By the time Professor Richard Lovell found his way through Canton's narrow alleys to the faded address in his diary, the boy was the only one in the house left alive."

THE FRIDAY 56 is hosted by Freda's Voice. To play, open a book and turn to page 56 (or 56% on your e-reader). Find a sentence or two and post them, along with the book title and author. Then link up on Freda's Voice and visit others in the linky. 

"'Would you like to try?' The hostess held out a pipe towards him. It was already lit; the pot glowed with gently burning opium, and a small trickle of smoke unfurled from the tip. 'Your first on the house, mister.'"

The purpose of THE BOOK BLOGGER HOP is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, and befriend other bloggers. THE BOOK BLOGGER HOP is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer

December 9th-15th? Do you have a reading nook? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

Yes, I have an entire reading room! After our sons were grown, I converted my sons' bedroom into a reading room. In my reading room, I have a day bed where I can read, and I have a super comfortable reading chair where I can read.

Where do you like to read?

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