Saturday, October 24, 2009

Readathon: Hour 13: One Beetle Too Many

One Beetle Too Many: The Extraordinary Adventures of Charles Darwin by Kathryn Lasky

Charles Darwin was a child who was allowed to explore and he grew up, despite his terrible conflicts with schools, to be a man who explored the world of nature.

Lasky, as she has done in every book, writes the story of Darwin's life brilliantly. Darwin feels as round and human as any fictional character. He comes across as both a student easily bored and a thoughtful observer.

The pictures make Darwin feel even more real, smart yet bumbling.

I loved the richness of the writing and the fun of the pictures. A bibliography is included at the end.

A sample:

“He was told it was something no clergyman should do. That it was a wild scheme. That the boat was unsafe. That the voyage would be useless. That this was a most unsuitable occupation and would ruin his character. And if all that were not enough, he would surely get horribly seasick and furthermore the natives would probably eat him. In spite of all these objections from his father and sisters and aunts and uncles, Charles still wanted to go.”


  1. You're doing an amazing job!

  2. Oooh, an illustrated Charles Darwin! Looks like a fun read!

    Good morning from the Philippines! Have fun reading and enjoy the remaining hours of the Read-a-Thon!


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