Saturday, October 24, 2009

Readathon: Hour 18: Give Me Five MiniChallenge

"Name five of your favorite children's books."

Now this is an EASY one for me:

(1) A Wrinkle in Time
(2) Where the Sidewalk Ends
(3) Where the Red Fern Grows
(4) How the Grinch Stole Christmas
(5) Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus


  1. Thanks for participating in the mini challenge! I'm glad it was easy. I figured it was a little late in the read-a-thon for a hard one. ;) I LOVED Where the Sidewalk Ends when younger. Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus is great, as is everything Mo Willems writes. I haven't read #3 - will have to check it out. Thanks for playing along, and way to go on all of your reading so far!

  2. I actually thought about A Wrinkle in Time for the 'thon but didn't know if it would be too hard. :P It was really hard when I was in 5th grade and that fear has stuck with me 20 years later!! Silly, huh?


I love to hear your thoughts.