Wednesday, April 10, 2019

A New Coffee Shop in Town

My friend and I walk every Tuesday and Thursday at the park. Unless it rains. Then we head to the new coffee shop in town. It's Rocket Boom Coffee.

And how does this tie into books? Of course I discovered a book there. I liked it so much that I asked the owner of the coffee shop if I could borrow it! Yes, I did. I took it home, and I liked it so much that I ordered a copy for my Kindle. It's The Flavor Thesaurus: A Compendium of Flavors, Recipes, and Ideas for the Creative Cook.

For more wordless photos, go to Wordless Wednesday.

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by A Web of StoriesTo participate in Saturday Snapshot: post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken and then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky at A Web of Stories.


  1. Mhmmm! I loce coffee and coffeeshops! It's a nice place!

  2. Nothing like a nice coffee shop to visit, trouble is I don't go in them that offten, I like making my coffe and cake at home and enjoy serving it to my friends. Now you made me feel like I should go out for a walk

  3. I bet y'all hope for rain some days!

  4. Happy WW! My best regards from Romania!

  5. Snazzy place, I love the chocolate brown walls and the carpet design. So cool you found a book to enjoy too. Hope you're having a lovely week without rain.

  6. I love that you can connect pretty much anything to books and reading. What a great coffee shop.

  7. I found it too, and met two mothers with children in strollers who came and picked out books from the trunk of my car!

  8. I love that coffee shop! Gorgeous, with cozy places to sit. Thanks for sharing, and here are MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOTS

  9. I hope it doesn't get crowded with people using it as their office space like so many do.

  10. Looks like a really cool coffee shop to go to.

  11. I have donated and found books at Rocket Boom Coffee. Their vanilla scones are to die for, try them!


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