Saturday, April 27, 2019

Reading Six Classics at Once

Oh dear. Nothing. 
I started books, but I finished nothing.

The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton (168 pages)
At the Back of the North Wind by George MacDonald (326 pages)
The Doll's House by Rumer Godden (180 pages)
Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson (280 pages)
The Nonexistent Knight by Italo Calvino (146 pages)
One Thousand and One Arabian Nights (325 pages)

What's this about, you may ask? Why are you reading six books? And all of them some sort of classic?

It's the Classic Club Spin for May. Typically, one makes a list of twenty books from one's Classics Club list that you might like to read. The Classics Club spins the wheel and a number pops up. That is the book you are to read. 

But I decided to do something crazy. I only have six books left on my list. I decided to go ahead and try to READ ALL SIX BOOKS IN MAY. 

Yes, that is a grand total of 1,425 pages. But I'm already neck deep in several of the books. I think I can do it. I will at least give it the All-American Try.

I wrote three posts last week:

Don't worry if you don't hear from me right away this weekend....I'm volunteering for three days this weekend at the Gulf Coast Bird Observatory's Spring Fling at Quintana Beach and the 25th Annual Migration Celebration at the San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge. I'll be posting birds sited at the bird observatory and I'll be painting animal faces on children at the wildlife refuge. I promise to get back with you as soon as I can!

Update: Here are some of the fifty faces I painted on Saturday. Wish me luck as I return to paint more faces Sunday!

I hope each of you will stop by Readerbuzz each weekend and post a link to your blog. I would encourage you to visit other blogs and share your thought with others. The Sunday Salon was created twelve years ago to spark conversations. I hope to host a Sunday Salon each week with opportunities for conversations about books and book-ish things.

Other places where you may like to link up are below. Click on the picture to visit the site.

My linkup for Sunday Salon is below. If you wish to also post a link at Facebook, you can also do that. 


  1. I don't think I could manage six books at once. You're amazing!

    1. It's odd, but I enjoy reading lots of books at the same time.

  2. I often read several books at once. My family thinks I'm nuts. LOL Have a blast at the events!

  3. I usually have more than one book going at a time.

    1. I should do a poll. I'm terribly curious if most of us lean one way or the other.

  4. Good luck with your six! (I will be sticking to my one for the spin...) I find Emerson to be a bit snooze-inducing, but the rest of them look pretty great.

    1. I hope I can make it through the Emerson book. I keep thinking, "What? What is he saying?"

  5. I have a hard time trying to read two books at once. Six? Wow, good luck. I hope you have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Yvonne! I don't know how I can juggle so many books at once.

  6. Oh my goodness! Frankly, I'm awestruck... I am one of those relatively feeble folks who can only undertake one book at a time - I feel I'm living dangerously these days now that I'm listing to one book on audio, while physically reading another! Huge respect and very best of luck with your endeavour, Deb!

    And I'm also mightily impressed with all those adorable facepainted animals - something else I'm unable to do:)). Have a good Sunday and rest of the week.

    1. We had so much fun at the event. I think I need to write about it.


  7. You finished nothing?!!? But hey, that doesn't mean that you weren't reading. In fact, knowing you...oh, yep, six books!

    And thanks for the photos. I wasn't clear what you meant about animal face painting. Now that I see it...I get it. Aha!

    1. I know, I know, it's crazy not to finish a book. But I will probably finish several next week.

  8. I've had weeks like that - recently!! Hopefully you get into a book and can just read away. I love the sound of that bird migration celebration! :) Have a great day!

  9. All those faces. What a great day!! You may not have started new books but it looks like you had a fun week!

  10. Enjoy your week and your reading. Six books. Wow! Thanks for visiting my blog...

  11. Oh my...six classics at once??? I have three books going now and that seems like too many. Good luck!

    1. But several of them are children's classics, so they are not overly complex.

  12. Cute kids. Good luck with the face painting and reading 6 books. I think I’d get confused and never finish any of the books if I read that many at once. Have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I hope this week will be a little less busy than last week.

  13. I actually finished one this week! I was so proud. Then I saw you are reading six classics at the same time. I have failed reading. ;)

    1. No, no, don't think that at all. Besides, I am retired, and I should have a lot of time!

  14. Good luck with reading all those classics this month, it’s quite a task.

    Have a great reading week

  15. Six classic books at once? I hope to finish one in six weeks. My Sunday Salon

    1. My books aren't all that difficult...well, except the Emerson.

  16. Your face paintings are just darling. How fun! 6 classics is a month is also amazing. I know one would be a stretch for me!

  17. Oooh, good luck with your classics reading! I read a ton of classics for my first degree, and don't think I've managed to get all the way through one since. Talk about burnout!

  18. I envy people who can read more than one book at a time without getting the plots terribly tangled. Come see my week here. Happy reading.

  19. Oh my that's a lot of faces to paint! You have been very busy. All the best with the reading of the six classics in May. I loved Rumer Godden's In This House of Brede which I read years ago. So much so I bought myself a new copy for a reread because I don't know what happened to the last one.

  20. I haven't read Ralph Waldo Emerson since high school, but I did like what I read.

    The bird events sound amazing!

  21. The only one of your 6 books I have read is Age of Innocence but I remember I liked it. Enjoy!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   


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