Saturday, April 13, 2019

Salt to the Sea, Dewey's 24-Hour Readathon, and Kolaches


Tales from Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb is a 1001 Children's Book. I've had a copy of it for a long time, and I'd originally planned to read the chapter from this book at the same time I read the play. I did this for two chapters before I realized it would take me an eternity to get through this book if I continued to read at that pace. I decided, instead, to read it during Dewey's 24-Hour Readathon; children's books are usually perfect for a readathon. Let me say, before I go any further, that this book is easier to read than Shakespeare's plays, but just barely. My full review is here.

I simultaneously read, in Italian and English, and listened, in Italian, to the Puccini opera, La Boheme, during the readathon last week. It was one of my favorite parts of the readathon. Yes, I lost my place a couple of times, but it was a fun experience. My full review is here.

Salt to the Sea is the story of four teens who are headed to the coast with thousands of other refugees, fleeing the Soviets during the winter of 1945, hoping to get passage on the Wilhelm Gustloff and get to safety. All four travel with secrets that could destroy them all. My complete review is here. 

I also read and reviewed these children's picture books. Click the links to go to the full reviews.
Bloom Boom! by April Pulley Sayre
Hop by Jorey Hurley
A Piglet Named Mercy by Kate DiCamillo


Circe by Madeline Miller
Turtles All the Way Down by John Green


I'm terribly excited to be going to the Texas Library Association Conference in Austin this week! Woo hoo! Authors! Books! Book friends! Let me know if you are coming and maybe we can meet up.

I've finished eight of ten books in My Own Books Reading Challenge set by Anne of My Head is Full of Books. Two books to go! The challenge ends on May 15th. 


I joined in Dewey's 24-Hour Readathon last Saturday. I had plenty of wonderful snacks, and  I was pleased to read for twenty hours and finish six books.

One of my favorite weekly memes is Top Ten Tuesday, a list meme. Last week, we were asked to post a list of the top ten outrageous things we have done for love of books. I had no trouble with that list. I ended up posting 25 Outrageous Things I Have Done for Love of Books.

Baking, photography, drawing, happiness, and other projects...

Kolaches! It's the first time I've ever made these yeasty Czech treats. I got recipes from two Czech families I know, and I used one that was very similar to this recipe.

The Sunday Salon 

I would encourage you to stop by my blog, Readerbuzz, here and post a link to your blog each week. I hope you can visit other blogs and share your thoughts with others. The Sunday Salon was created twelve years ago to spark conversations, and I hope to do the same by sharing links and visiting others’ blogs. I will keep also the Facebook group for Sunday Salon for the same purpose.

I thank all of you who have spread the word about the Sunday Salon, encouraged others to post here and/or on Facebook, and posted the graphic on social media. 

Other places where you may like to link up are below. Click on the picture to visit the site.

My linkup for Sunday Salon is below. If you wish to also post a link at Facebook, you can also do that. My hope is that you will post here and/or at FB and then visit other bloggers. Sunday Salon is to encourage conversations about books and book-ish things.


  1. I'm so impressed you were able to read along in Italian!

  2. It was an odd experience, reading an opera.

  3. What a wonderful week you've had. I really liked Salt to Sea so I'm going to go and read your review now.

    1. I think my book group would like Salt to the Sea, so I may suggest it to them.

  4. So many wonderful books! And so many new authors for me.

    1. I always discover new books and authors when I visit blogs.

  5. You're doing so well with your reading challenges and the readathon. Congrats! Hope you have a great week!

    1. I feel proud of my progress with the Read-Your-Own-Books Challenge, especially.

  6. You did a great job with Dewey, I wasn't able to participate this time which was a bummer.
    You are also doing great on your challenges, I need to reassess mine since I sort of fell apart at some point.

    I hope you have a great week, Deb! Happy Reading!

    1. I thought I wouldn't get to participate, but we came home from the antiques fair a day early because of the weather.

  7. You have been very busy with bookish events...enjoy the new week. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

    1. Yes, and next week I will spend even more time on them.

  8. I have enjoyed the few John Green books I've read and "need to" read this. Maybe this summer.

    This might shock you but I'm not going to the Texas Library Association Conference this week. ;) But I hope you have fun and, as always, I look forward to the photos and posts you'll share from it.

  9. Reading in Italian! How wonderful! Have a great week!

  10. Wow, so impressive that you can read in Italian! Did you snag Circe this week when it was an audible daily deal? I'm hoping to listen to it soon.

    1. No, but I should look into Audible. I'm finding that I love to listen to books.

  11. Circe is one I need to read. I've seen it around so much and it gets such good feedback!

  12. Kolaches! So, I grew up in Omaha, NE which has a pretty large Czech/Eastern European population. Kolaches are common; you can buy them at most grocery store bakeries. I never thought of them an "regional" until I included a character eating one in a short story I wrote and a critique partner said I should change the detail because it was too ethnic. I did not, and sold the story anyway. ;) And those look *so* good!

    1. I have been wanting to make kolaches for years and years, but I felt intimidated by them; after all, my friend's mother-in-law literally spent days making them, I was told.

      They are not as difficult as I had been lead to believe.

  13. I am so glad you loved Salt to the Sea. I thought it was incredible. I hope you like Turtles too--I think it is my favorite of his books. I've been checking out the blogs that linked to your Sunday Salon too. Is it okay to write one post and link it to Sunday Post and Sunday Salon, or do you see them as having a different focus?

  14. Seeing you're about to read Circe reminded me I still have my copy awaiting reading. So many books, so little time :-/

  15. I have not read most of those books, but they definitely look interesting. I never seem to do well on challenges, but kudos for doing so! The pastries look amazing!

  16. Hope you have a fantastic time at TLA!! I'm amazed you could come up with a list of 25 things you've done for books---I'll have to go check that out.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  17. You chose some ambitious books for the readathon! I hope you have an amazing time at the conference.

    Have a great reading week:)

    Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out

  18. Those kolaches look great! I'm going to have to try them.

  19. Sorry, Deb, for the two entries. I'm not even sure how the second one happened, and it links to a random post from February. I had a problem leaving a link at Bryan's "Still an unfinished person" blog, too. Maybe it's my computer, or maybe I'm sleepy and not thinking clearly. Are you able to delete my #17 for Bonnie's Books?

    1. Commenting drives me crazy. I often can't comment on my own blog! Ridiculous!

      It is no problem to keep both entries. It will be perfectly fine.

    2. Thanks, Deb. This morning, I went back to Bryan's blog and tried to figure out why clicking the link in my original comment says: "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist." When I tried copying and pasting the "https" for that link into the "address" line at the top of my computer screen, it went to my blog post with no problem. And it LOOKS exactly the same as the one below it where I "replied" to my own comment to share the same link, which goes to my blog post with no problem. Were the web fairies just playing games with me yesterday ... on his blog and yours? I have no idea.

  20. Looks like you have a lot of fun with books and baking!


I love to hear your thoughts.