Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Classic Club Spin: And the Book I'm Going to Read is...WHAT? Six Books??

It's time for another Classics Club Spin!

But wait. What, you might ask, is the Classics Club?

From the blog:

  • Choose 50+ classics you would like to read.
  • List them at your blog.
  • Choose a reading completion goal date up to five years in the future and note that date on your classics list of 50+ titles.
  • E-mail the moderators of this blog ( with your list link and information and it will be posted on the Members Page.
  • Write about each title on your list as you finish reading it, and link it to your main list.
  • When you’ve written about every single title, let the Club know, and your name will be posted on the Wall of Honor.
If you haven't done this, do this first. Then you can get going with your reading by joining in for our Classics Club Spin.

What is the Classics Club Spin? Again, from the blog:

  • Go to your blog.
  • Pick twenty books that you’ve got left to read from your Classics Club List.
  • Post that list, numbered 1-20, on your blog before Monday 22nd April.
  • We’ll announce a number from 1-20. 
  • Read that book by 31st May.
Here is my list:
1. The last six books on my list
2. The last six books on my list
3. The last six books on my list
4. The last six books on my list
5. The last six books on my list
6. The last six books on my list
7. The last six books on my list
8. The last six books on my list
9. The last six books on my list
10. The last six books on my list
11. The last six books on my list
12. The last six books on my list
13. The last six books on my list
14. The last six books on my list
15. The last six books on my list
16. The last six books on my list
17. The last six books on my list
18. The last six books on my list
19. The last six books on my list
20. The last six books on my list

Okay, I know this is a little odd. I only have six books left on my original Classics Club list. So, I thought, why not try to read all of the last six books for this spin? They are all relatively short, and I am a ridiculously fast reader. I think I can do it.

Are you a Classic Clubber? Have you made your list? Leave a link in the comments if you have so I can see what you are picking.

Now let's see what book the spinner chooses for me to read in May....

I will read the last six books left on my list. What titles will I be reading in May?

The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton (168 pgs.)
At the Back of the North Wind by George MacDonald (326 pgs.)
The Doll's House by Rumer Godden (180 pgs.)
Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson (280 pgs.)
The Nonexistent Knight by Italo Calvino (146 pgs.)
One Thousand and One Arabian Nights (325 pgs.)

Grand Total of 1,425 Pages!

What’s Next?
Tell us below what your number 19 title is:
  • Are you feeling thrilled, hesitant or ‘meh’ about your title?
  • Check out our ‘Reviews By Members’ page for other Classic Clubbers who may have read your book recently. They may be able to help you if you hit a speedhump in your reading.
  • Cheer on your fellow Clubbers.
  • Take a pic of your book and pop it on Instagram or twitter.
  • If you can — it would be fabulous if everyone posted about their Spin book by the 31st May, 2019
  • Then check back here to share your experience and add your review to our ‘Reviews By Members’ page.

Hashtag: #ccspin  #ccwhatimreading


  1. Thank you for visiting my page and commenting on my post.

    I love your list. I might have done the same if I only had six more classic books on my TBR list. Mind you, if I carry on buying more books than I can read, that is never going to happen. ;)

    I havent' read any of the books on your list but I have read The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton, and If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller as well as Why Read the Classics by Italo Calvino. I enjoyed them all very much.

    Happy Reading,

    1. You probably will carry on buying more books than you can read. We all do. It's okay.

  2. Good luck with reading your last six. I hope you enjoy them all!

    1. Thank you! I am most worried about Essays. I tried reading it some months ago, and I stopped after feeling like I didn't understand what I was reading.

  3. That's ambitious! Good luck :)

    1. I like to try things that might be a little bit out of my comfort zone.

  4. I am not a Classics reader, but I love that you rigged they system to force yourself to read the remaining 6!

    1. I don't know if I would have considered myself a classics reader thirty years ago, but I have developed a deep love for the classics during my time with the Classics Club. The more I read, the more I like them.

  5. I've read The Age of Innocence twice and thoroughly enjoyed it both times! Good luck and have fun. :)

    1. Yes, I'm close to finishing, and the story is very compelling.

  6. I am not a classics reader (anymore that is) I hope that you enjoy your 6 and I love your blog design!

    1. Thank you so much. I am always tinkering with it. Blog design is one of the things I love about blogging.

  7. Such a clever plan. That's a whole lotta reading, though. Do you have your next Classics Club list picked out yet?

  8. Six classic books in a month I can understand, but I couldn't cope with them all at The Same Time. That's ambitious reading!!
    My Classics Club list is on this page:

  9. Nicely done...challenging yourself that way. Enjoy.

  10. Sorry, Deb ..... I just saw your comment on my spin; for some reason it went into spam. But I've answered it now and hopefully it won't happen again!


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