Thursday, August 4, 2022

Happy 10th Birthday, Classics Club!


10 years ago, The Classic Club Blog was born!

To celebrate our 10 years of blogging about Classics, we want to know more about YOU. New members and old.

  • Share a link to your blog and/or classic club list/s.
  • Answer the 10 questions below.
  • As always, we are very flexible about how and when you do this.
  • Tweek, add or subtract the questions to suit you best.
  • Have fun!

When did you join the Classics Club? 
I joined The Classics Club in January of 2018
I've been a member for four and a half years.
So far, I've read 144 classics for the club. 

What is the best classic book you’ve read for the club so far? Why?

The best classic book I've read for the club so far is Moby Dick (link takes you to my full review). 
That book astonished me.
I always thought Moby Dick would be a book I'd never read.
Moby Dick sounded like it would be boring.
Not only was I wrong, but I was completely wrong.
I ended up spending an entire month reading Moby Dick, reading about Moby Dick, looking up new words, thinking about the characters, watching a Moby Dick movie, and falling in love with Moby Dick. Quite unexpected. 

What is the first classic you ever read?

I remember reading and loving Don Quixote when I was in high school.
I was worried that it would be a difficult book to read, and I was surprised to see how readable it was.
It was hilarious, too.
I read it again for the Club in 2019 and it was just as wonderful.

Which classic book inspired you the most?

The main characters in Anne of Green Gables and Heidi and A Little Princess and Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm and A Girl of the Limberlost inspired me to look for the positive in life and be grateful for the good things that happen even when life as a whole is terrible.

What is the most challenging one you’ve ever read, or tried to read?

The Divine Comedy is the most challenging classic I've read. I read the whole thing but I know there was so much about this book that I missed. I can see the need to read and reread and reread some classics.

Favorite movie adaptation of a classic? Least favorite?

I'm a big fan of To Kill a Mockingbird. I also loved the PBS original series on Anne of Green Gables
Most other movies made from classics are disappointments to me.

Which classic character most reminds you of yourself?

Meg Murry from A Wrinkle in Time seems a lot like me.

Has there been a classic title you expected to dislike and ended up loving? Respecting? Appreciating? 

I'd tried to read War and Peace several times and couldn't get into it, so I was surprised to find out how much I liked the characters and the story once I finally committed to reading it.

Classic/s you are DEFINITELY GOING TO MAKE HAPPEN next year?

I'd like to read something of Herman Hesse. I'm thinking about either Siddhartha or The Glass Bead Game.

Favorite memory with a classic and/or your favorite memory with The Classics Club?

I'm happy I found The Classics Club. Classics really are classics for a reason...they are the best books. 

I have always been a reader, but I often read trivial books; I frequently read quickly and I don't think carefully about what I read and I tend to write simple reviews...

But I have found that reading classics in the Classics Club has encouraged me to choose books like I choose good food, to read a little more carefully, to think a little harder about what I'm reading, and, like when I eat good food, I am left feeling full and satisfied.

Are you a classics reader? 
Have you joined the Classics Club?
How long have you been a member?

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